English collocations in use are important for your fluency in speaking English. Learning how to speak in natural word groups, such as used by native speakers, will take your English conversation to a new level.

This video presents 5 more collocations which are regularly used by native speakers. Each collocation is explained through two illustrated sentence examples.

A review and repeat section at the end will help you to commit these 5 collocations to memory.

Here is the transcript of the video – ENGLISH COLLOCATIONS in Use – Module 4

Slide 2:

Be sure to watch the introductory video to this playlist before doing these exercises.

Click on the link below in the Description . . .

Slide 3:
We will consider 5 common collocations:

  • get the impression
  • catch a glimpse
  • say a few words
  • keep the change
  • break the ice

Slide 4:
get the impression
(a feeling or opinion you get about someone or something)

Slide 5:
Her husband stopped mid-sentence and said: “I get the impression you’re not very interested.”

Slide 6:
Kaito: “When we saw Denise yesterday, I didn’t think she looked very happy in her new job.”
Emily: “Oh, I never got that impression!”

Slide 7:
catch a glimpse
(to see something for a very brief time)

Slide 8:
As we were standing on the river bank, we were able to catch a glimpse of a Kingfisher before it flew away.

Slide 9:
As we were coming in to land, we caught a glimpse of the River Thames.

Slide 10:
say a few words
(to make a short speech or statement)

Slide 11:
When the bride’s mother stood up to say a few words, no one realized she could be so funny.

Slide 12:
Linda said: “Before we start the meeting, I would just like to say a few words to thank everyone for their support during my recent illness.”

Slide 13:
keep the change
(If an item costs €19.50, and you give a €20.00 note, you are telling the seller to keep the 50 cents. Change = coins)

Slide 14:
As the passenger paid the fare and got out the taxi he shouted: “Keep the change.”

Slide 15:
As the customer handed over a €20 note for her €19.95 purchase, she said with a smile: “Keep the change.”

Slide 16:
break the ice
(to say or do something to start a conversation, usually with a stranger)

Slide 17:
When sitting next to a stranger, people often break the ice by talking about the weather.

Slide 18:

Sensing that the atmosphere in the room was a little tense, the manager decided to break the ice by telling a funny personal story.

Slide 19:
Again, the 5 collocations are:

get the impression (a feeling or opinion you get about someone or something)

catch a glimpse (to see something for a very brief time)

say a few words (to make a short speech or statement)

keep the change (If an item costs €19.50, and you give a €20.00 note, you are telling the seller to keep the 50 cents. Change = coins)

break the ice (to say or do something to start a conversation, usually with a stranger)

Slide 63:
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Continue learning common English collocations in use by going to this page:

Also, test your self by reviewing this module and the previous 3 collocations modules here:

Image Credits

Slide 5 – yawn
Creative Commons

Slide 6 – discussion
Creative Commons

Slide 8 – Kingfisher
Creative Commons

Slide 9- Thames
Creative Commons

Slide 11 – wedding
Creative Commons

Slide 12 – meeting
Creative Commons

Slide 14 – taxi
Creative Commons

Slide 15 – shop
Creative Commons

Slide 17 – talking
Creative Commons

Slide 18 – business meeting
Creative Commons


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