Learn How to Pronounce BOUQUET Correctly!


Learn how to pronounce BOUQUET correctly by understanding the syllables.

The word BOUQUET is a verb made up of 2 syllables.

It’s a noun. Stress the 1st syllable.

BOUQUET is pronounced:

Definition: an arrangement of flowers, usually presented as a gift, or carried during a ceremony

The picture shows a bride throwing her bouquet to a group of girls.

The sentence example reads: The bouquet toss is an ancient tradition where brides toss their bridal bouquet over their shoulders, into a group of single women.

Supposedly, whoever catches the bouquet is next in line to get married.

Now you know how to say BOUQUET, look for an opportunity to use the word in conversation as soon as possible to imprint it on the memory.

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Now you know how to say HEINOUS, remember to use it the next time you need to describe something that is evil or wicked.

Examples of BOUQUET from news items:

Jackson and her new husband had just made their entrance and Jackson went to set her bouquet in a vase on the sweetheart table, per the instructions of her wedding coordinator, Jackson told Fox News.
Source: Fox News

Mrs. Parish loved Christmas and had specific traditions: Presents were wrapped in crisp white shelf paper with bright red ribbon, and Rigaud Cypres candles were paired with bouquets of paperwhites, said Ms. Harris.
Source: New York Times

When the show ended, like true Parisians, guests were handed bouquets of local flowers sourced from real flower sellers in the Ile-de-France region, while the models strutted around the city streets to thunderous cheers.
Source: Washington Times

Prior to entering the court, which was surrounded by dozens of uniformed police and other unidentified plain-clothes security personnel, an emotional Zhou Xiaoxuan clutched a bouquet of flowers as she thanked supporters.
Source: Reuters

Tulip Town also launched a “Colors for Courage” campaign, allowing people to purchase bouquets online for health-care workers, first responders, military families, members of isolated or vulnerable communities, and essential workers.
Source: Seattle Times

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If you are interested in how to pronounce BOUQUET, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
How to Pronounce HEINOUS

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Slide 5 – bride
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