Words With the Prefix DI

Words With the Prefix DI (6 Illustrated Examples)

If you are interested in words with the prefix DI, be sure to check

The prefix DI has various forms in English. This video provides 6 illustrated examples of words with the prefix DI. Each example comprises a picture and an associated sentence example.

By seeing a picture and then associating it with a sentence in which a word beginning with DI is used, a strong mental connection is formed so you will remember the word more easily.

Learning vocabulary by studying prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, is a very easy and enjoyable way to expand your English vocabulary. You learn to associate words together with a common denominator.

Here is a transcript of the video “Words With the Prefix DI”

Slide 2:
The prefix DI means: two, double, separate. Examples:


Slide 3:

Definition: a situation in which a choice must be made between two or more alternatives, often undesirable

Slide 4:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical staff in some countries faced the shocking dilemma of who to treat first, the most vulnerable, or those with the highest chance of survival!

Slide 5:

Definition: a complex speech sound in which one vowel slides or changes into another vowel within the same syllable

Slide 6:
Diphthongs are found in words such as: oil, house, and author.

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Definition: a division or contrast between two things which are opposed or sharply distinguished from each other

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This photograph presents a dichotomy; a sign that says LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL with a homeless person living beside it.

Slide 9:

Definition: A compound with two oxygen atoms per molecule

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In this video, Doctor Greg Schmidt explains that wearing a face mask does cause a person to breathe in oxygen or retain more carbon dioxide.

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Definition: to separate into parts

Slide 12:
The Korean war which ended in 1953, left the Korean peninsula divided by the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone).

Slide 13:

Definition: the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court; to separate or disassociate one thing from another

Slide 14:
The owner of the car below has a dark sense of humour, writing “Just Divorced” on the back window.

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The prefix DI means:

  • two
  • double
  • separate

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If you are interested in prefixes, but sure to check these pages from The Prefixes Guide:
Word With the Prefix AN

Word Root AUTO & Prefix AUTO

Image Credits

Slide 4 – hospital
Creative Commons

Slide 6 – Royalty Free Clipart

Slide 8 – homeless
Creative Commons

Slide 10 – Greg Schmidt
Fair Use

Slide 12 – Korea
Creative Commons

Slide 14 – married
Creative Commons
Creative Commons

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