Learn How to Pronounce HEART Correctly!

Learn how to pronounce heart correctly by understanding the syllables

By learning how to pronounce heart correctly, you will become more confident when speaking English, and of course, it will contribute to your credibility as an advanced English speaker.

The word heart is made up of 1 syllable.

It’s pronounced HART

Note: HART not HURT

In the picture we see a girl with a pleasant smile holding a flower.

The sentence reads: She was a very kind-hearted person.

In other words, she had a soft heart. She was caring, generous and understanding towards others.

Examples of heart from news items:

Nestled inside each body are three hearts, a parrot-like beak and, arguably, nine “brains” — a central hub with an octo-entourage of nerve cell clusters, one in each of the animal’s eight arms.
Source: The New York Times

A 2018 study for the American Heart Association found South Asian Americans are more likely to die of coronary heart disease than other Asian Americans and non-Hispanic White Americans.
The Washington Post

By comparison, she said, an emergency room does not exist to promote heart attacks, but to treat them.
Source: The Seattle Times

It affects various parts of the body and may cause problems with a young patient’s heart and other vital organs.
Source:The Washington Times

Scientists also presented to the committee new data on the risks of two heart conditions following vaccination: myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the heart.
Source: New York Times

If time and tutoring don’t produce a loving environment for your daughter, please find a good, reputable marriage counselor who can help you get to the heart.
Source: The Washington Post

Many of them also previously promoted the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a miracle Covid cure despite no evidence that it is effective and FDA warnings that it could cause serious heart, kidney, and liver problems.
Source: Salon

Now you have learned how to pronounce HEART correctly, try to use it a few times in conversation over the next few days to imprint it on your memory. As you are interested in correct pronunciation, check another word that is often mispronounced:
Learn How to Pronounce BREAKFAST Correctly

Image Credits

Slide 4 – girl with flower
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