How to Pronounce PREROGATIVE – PREROGATIVE in a Sentence

How to Pronounce PREROGATIVE – PREROGATIVE in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce prerogative correctly by understanding the syllables.

The word prerogative is made up of 4 syllables.

Stress the 2nd syllable.


Note: pruh◦ROG◦at◦ive NOT per◦OG◦at◦ive

In the picture we see a brightly painted Rolls Royce.

The sentence reads: Not everyone agreed with John Lennon’s choice of colours for his Rolls Royce, but then, it was his prerogative, it was his car.

Examples of prerogative from news items:

The decision to impose restrictions is the prerogative of local governments; some that did so saw their rules ignored.
Source: Washington Times

The deal was ultimately buttoned up and delivered in high-stakes negotiations among the top four congressional leaders, who each zealously guard their parties’ prerogatives — and their own power.
Source: Seattle Times

“The decision to not meet to consider the current emergency and to delay the consideration until next year is the prerogative of the General Assembly,” Hutchinson said in a statement.
Source: Washington Times

Hungarian and Polish leaders argue that institutional changes are their national prerogative, and accuse the commission of applying double standards to East European states, describing the rule-of-law provisions as arbitrary and political.
Source: New York Times

His keeping things from his family is his prerogative, but if he then expects you to constantly guard what you say around them, then that’s a boundary problem and an unfair burden on you.
Source: Washington Post

Now you know how to pronounce PREROGATIVE correctly, see if you can find an opportunity today to use it in your English vocabulary. Here is another word which is often mispronounced:
How to Pronounce MUTE – MUTE in a Sentence

Image Credit

Slide 4 – Rolls Royce
Creative Commons

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