The Meaning of PARALLEL – PARALLEL in a Sentence

The Meaning of PARALLEL – PARALLEL in a Sentence

Easily remember the meaning and definition of PARALLEL by examining pictures associated with sentence examples.

This video provides 3 illustrated examples. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

At the end of the video, common collocations are listed in which the word PARALLEL is often found. You will also find a list of common synonyms.

Now you know the meaning and definition of PARALLEL, make a conscious effort over the next one or two days to use the word in your English conversation.

Here is a transcript: What is the Meaning and Definition of PARALLEL?

Slide 2:
Pronounced: PAR◦ah◦lel with the stress on the 1st syllable.

1. side by side with an equal distance apart
2. something similar or happening at the same time

Slide 3:
The picture shows various lines in parallel.

The sentence reads: In geometry, parallel lines are lines in a plane that do not intersect at any point.

Slide 4:
The picture shows a row of cars parked alongside the road.

The sentence reads: Parallel parking refers to a method of parking a vehicle parallel to the road, in line with other parked vehicles.

Slide 5:
In the picture we see the History section in a bookstore.

The sentence reads: Historians often draw parallels between past events and present events.

Slide 6:
The picture shows a Coronavirus sign and a depressed man.

The sentence reads: In many countries, as the coronavirus spread, there was a parallel increase in cases of depression and mental issues.

Slide 7:
PARALLEL means: 1. side by side with an equal distance apart
2. something similar or happening at the same time

Synonyms include:

  • alongside
  • coextending
  • lateral
  • twin
  • equal
  • simultaneous

Slide 8:
Common Collocations

  • runs/running parallel with
  • in parallel with
  • parallel lines
  • parallel increase
  • parallel universe
  • to draw parallels to

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If you are interested in the meaning of PARALLEL and seeing PARALLEL in a sentence, be sure to check another word in The Illustrated Dictionary:
The Meaning of NECESSARY – NECESSARY in a Sentence

Slides 3 – lines
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Slide 5 – history
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Slide 6 – coronavirus
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