English Vocabulary Quiz – #07

English Vocabulary Quiz – #07

Repetition is a key factor when learning English vocabulary. Hundreds of words are features on this channel. Test yourself and see if you remember how to use the following five words and phrases:

keep the change

You may wish to just take the vocabulary quiz right away and see how well you do, or, you might prefer to watch the original videos first and refresh your memory.
Whatever you decide, this English Vocabulary Test will help you become confident and natural when using the 5 words above.
Here are the links to the original videos:




keep the change


Here is a transcript of the video: English Vocabulary Test 07 (Advanced)

Slide 2:
In this quiz we will review the following 5 words and phrases which appear in other modules on this channel:

keep the change

See the Description below for links to the modules that featured these words. You may wish to view the videos again before taking this test.

Slide 3:
1. Click the subscribe button
2. the Bell icon
3. All
Let’s start . . .

Slide 4:
In the picture we see four business people before a meeting.

Sentence: As they had already waited for 30 minutes and no one else had come, they decided to call the meeting off as the __ had not been met.

Slide 5:
Answer: quorum

Slide 6:
The picture shows the front door of a restaurant with a line of washing above it.

Sentence: The restaurant owner got really annoyed when his neighbours __ their washing above the entrance.

Slide 7:
Answer: hung (past tense of hang)

Slide 8:
The picture shows a taxi driver stuck in traffic.

Sentence: As the passenger paid the fare and got out the taxi he shouted: “__.”

Slide 9:
Answer: keep the change

Slide 10:
In the picture we see a cat’s face with a clipart image of a mouse in the corner.

Sentence: Keeping a cat in the house can be a very __ remedy if there is a mouse problem.

Slide 11:
Answer: effective

Slide 12:
The picture shows a raging wildfire with a firefighter in the foreground.

Sentence: “Late season conditions are also driving more fires in unusual ways due to the __ conditions we are currently facing.” The Guardian

Slide 13:
Answer: climatic

Slide 14:
Picture Only Review
If you really want to put these words and phrases into long-term memory, do this picture only review. Go as fast as you can! The goal is to have instant recognition. As soon as you see the picture, the word or phrase should immediately come to mind.

Slides 15-16:
keep the change

Slides 17-18:

Slides 19-20:

Slides 21-22:

Slides 23-24:

Slide 25:
Well Done!
That’s the end of Vocabulary Test 07.
Again, refresh your memory by viewing the videos where these words appeared. See the Description below.
Now, put these words to work this week in your English conversation or writing.

Slide 26:
Has this video helped you? LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT NOW!

Slide 27:
Build A Powerful English Vocabulary with my FREE course on UDEMY
Go to: http://goodenglish.online

As you are interested in this English vocabulary quiz, be sure to check this one also:
English Vocabulary Quiz – #06

Image Credits

Slides 4,5,19,20 – quorum
Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

Slides 6,7,23,24 – hang
Creative Commons

Slides 8,9,15,16 – taxi
Creative Commons

Slides 10,11,17,18 – cat
Creative Commons

Slides 12,13,22,23 – wildfires
Creative Commons
The Guardian quote:

Regarding the use of illustrations and photographs used in this video:

Creative Commons Attribution Licence
Others are allowed to copy, distribute, display, and perform copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it if they give credit to the creator or source.

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The image may be used for almost any business, personal, educational or charitable purpose as long as a credit is published to the creator of the image.