Learn How to Pronounce COHERENT – COHERENT in a Sentence

Learn How to Pronounce COHERENT – COHERENT in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce COHERENT correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see COHERENT in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce COHERENT – COHERENT in a Sentence”

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The word COHERENT is an adjective made up of 3 syllables.

Stress the 2nd syllable. It is pronounced:

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logical, consistent relation of parts, sticking together

Note: antonym – incoherent

The clipart shows cutout figures joined together in a row, illustrating something that is in logical order, sticking together.

Here is an illustrated sentence example.

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The picture shows a dinner party with some women drinking wine.

Sentence example: After two glasses of wine, her speech was not very coherent!

In other words, after too much alcohol, she found it difficult to speak clearly, fluently, or express her thoughts logically.

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Image Credit:

Slide 5 – glasses of wine
Creative Commons

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Examples of COHERENT from news items:

Her medical records failed to present a “coherent picture” of why she stopped eating and drinking, but that didn’t stop the doctors from issuing diagnostic proclamations.
Source: New York Times

In a periodic review last week, the IMF called on the government to implement a “credible and coherent” strategy to repay debt and restore macroeconomic stability.
Source: Reuters

Another point of concern raised by security experts is the problem of maintaining a coherent “namespace,” the set of identifiers that are used to designate different devices in any networked system.
Source: The Guardian

Steve Tsang, director of the China Institute at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies, said neither candidate seeking to be Britain’s next prime minister has articulated a coherent policy on China.
Source: Washington Times

First, much of that work takes place within a coherent fictional universe in which a large cast of revolving characters moves freely from one story to another.
Source: Washington Post

If you are interested in how to pronounce COHERENT, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce MEDIEVAL – MEDIEVAL in a Sentence