The Meaning of Prefix AMBI With Examples

The Meaning of Prefix AMBI With Examples

The prefix AMBI and AMB is very common in English. The video provides a clear definition and then 7 illustrated sentence examples so you clearly understand the meaning of prefix AMBI and AMB.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Words With the Prefix AMBI | AMB”

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The prefix AMBI | AMB can mean:


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Let’s look at some examples of words with the prefix AMBI and AMB:

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Definition: to walk or move in a slow, relaxed way

Literally: walk around

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The picture shows two penguins walking across the ice in Antarctica.

Sentence example: Two Adelie penguins amble over the snow at Station Y, Horseshoe Island, Antarctica.

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Definition: surrounding, encircling, relating to immediate surroundings

Literally: all around

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In the picture we see a woman in a relaxed mood sitting in her room.

Sentence example: Ambient temperature vs room temperature:

Ambient temperature refers to the actual temperature as measured by a thermometer (the temperature around), whereas room temperature is based on feeling, the temperature people generally feel comfortable in.

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Definition: having mixed feelings, having opposing feelings at the same time

Literally: both feelings or attitudes

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The picture shows an elderly man sitting on a bench in Krakow, Poland.

Sentence example: He was ambivalent toward his retirement. On the one hand, he enjoyed the freedom from a work routine, but on the other hand he began to wonder how to occupy his days.

In other words, this man had mixed feelings about retiring from his active, working life. He enjoyed the freedom but also faced boredom.

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Definition: able to use left and right hands equally well

Literally: both hands

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In the picture we see a child writing with his left hand and right hand.

Sentence example: At the age of two and a half, Josiah is quite ambidextrous. However, as he gets older he may choose to use one hand more than the other.

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Definition: showing a strong desire for success or achievement

Literally: going around or about (to solicit votes)
from Latin ambitiosus “eager for public office, eager to win favour”

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In the picture we see an advertising poster for the UK TV show, The Apprentice.

Sentence example: In The Apprentice (reality game show), a group of young, ambitious, business people seek to prove themselves in a series challenges set by business magnate, Alan Sugar.

In other words, these young business people all have a strong desire to get to the top, to be the winner, to be successful.

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Definition: not obvious, having more than one meaning

Literally: to dispute about, to go around hesitating, in doubt

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The picture shows a sign for a Barber Shop in the United States which reads:
The Barber Shop
Haircuts $15.00
Pensioners $13.00

Sentence example: This ambiguous sign seems to indicate you can buy a pensioner (elderly, retired person) for $13.

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Definition: a vehicle specially equipped to transport the sick or injured to hospital

Literally: mobile or field hospital, to go about, but during the Crimean War (1854) the meaning transferred to a vehicle transporting the wounded from the field

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In the blurred picture we see paramedics taking an injured man from an ambulance into a hospital.

Sentence example: The ambulance reached the hospital just in time to save the man’s life.

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So remember, the prefix AMBI | AMB simply means: AROUND | ABOUT | BOTH
as in:


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If you are interested in the meaning of the prefix AMBI | AMB, be sure to check this entry in The Prefixes Guide:
The Meaning of Prefix UN

Image Credits

Slide 5 – penguins
Creative Commons

Slide 7 – woman sitting in a room
Creative Commons

Slide 9 – Elderly man
Creative Commons

Slide 11 – child’s hand
Creative Commons

Slide 13 – The Apprentice
Fair Use

Slide 15 – ambulance
Creative Commons

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