ENGLISH Reading Exercise #22 (Advanced) Goal Setting Conclusion

ENGLISH Reading Exercise #22 (Advanced)

To improve your English fluency and confidence when speaking, use the Synchronized Reading Method. Be sure to watch the Introduction video in the link above first, to understand the methodology. These English reading practice sessions will dramatically improve your English fluency.

These exercises are designed for intermediate to advanced students who want to sound like a native speaker. By reading along with the teacher at the same time, with the teacher’s voice superimposed over their own, students start to self-correct in the areas of pronunciation and fluency, learning to read and speak in natural word groups.

If you find the pace is too fast, go to the Intermediate version, and repeat until you are fluent in sync with the teacher’s reading.

Here is a transcript of the video: English Reading Practice: Exercise 22 (Advanced) – Goal Setting Blueprint – Conclusion

Be sure to watch the introductory video to this playlist before doing this exercise.
Click on the link below in the Description . . .


  1. Turn up the volume so the teacher’s voice is loud.
  2. Read the words in red out loud at the same time as the teacher.
  3. Pay attention to the teacher’s voice intonation and the word groups.
  4. If you find the speed is too fast, go to the playlist and choose the intermediate version.
  5. Check any new words in a dictionary to fully understand the text.

Goal Setting Course – Conclusion
We started this course by saying: “Notice the title of this video series: Goal Setting: The Blueprint
What is a blueprint? It can refer to a negative used in photography for architectural plans, maps or mechanical drawings.
It can also mean a detailed plan or program of action.”

We then considered 7 main steps.
Step 1 was entitled: Intense Desire: Rocket Fuel For Your Goals!
We learned how to intensify desire by listing details, particularly benefits. Once the list gets past 20 or 30 benefits your goal becomes unstoppable!

Step 2 was entitled: Write Down Goals to Tie Them Up!
We learned that clothing a thought in words has power. The abstract thought now takes on body, shape, form, and substance. It is no longer just a thought! It becomes something tangible which motivates us,
Step 3 had the heading: To Reach Goals: Bypass Resistance & Gather Assistance

We learned that if you are going to successfully reach goals, you need to write down a list of potential obstacles you may face. At the same time, it is important to identify the knowledge you will need to acquire or the people or organizations that could give you essential help.

Step 4 was called: Goal Planning: Use Deadlines As Lifelines
We learned two ways in which deadlines become lifelines:
(1) they help you manage time more effectively and help increase productivity by creating a sense of urgency,
(2) they add clarity to your projects and help reduce muddled thinking, and (3) help you keep focused on the task at hand, thus avoiding distractions.

Step 5 had the title: Goal Objectives: Looking Ahead To Get Ahead With Planning
We learned that planning will help you manage risks more effectively, minimizing their impact on the final result.
Also, a plan increases productivity, as you don’t waste time thinking about what to do next. You just simply follow the route that has been carefully worked out.

Step 6 had the heading: When Reaching Goals Use Mental Pictures: Put A Film Studio In Your Head!
This step was all about the power of visualization. Mental imaging merely cooperates with the way our brain works. And what goes on in our minds has a direct bearing on our actions, the results we produce in our lives, and reaching goals. By putting a virtual film studio in our head, we can see ourselves achieving our goals up on the big screen. A powerful motivator!

Finally, Step 7 was entitled: Achieving Goals: The Remaining 90% – Sheer Persistence
We learned that persistence is the act of continuing in a course of action or way of thinking with unwavering determination, despite difficulties, setbacks, or challenges along the way. It includes resilience, the ability to recover quickly when faced with adversity, rejection or failure. It’s the ability to maintain focus and motivation over a period of time, until the desired outcome is achieved. Without persistence, goals can just evaporate.

So now use these 7 steps as a BLUEPRINT.
Keep checking your goal against the 7 steps frequently to measure your progress and keep yourself on track.
Then and only then will this GOAL Setting Course make a difference to your personal and business life.
Now the question is, what goal are you going to set today?
What goal can you set for your business which is going to lift it to new levels?
What goal setting are you going to implement in your personal life which is going to have a positive effect on you and your loved ones?
Take some time today to THINK about it! Then? JUST DO IT!

Note: This goal setting video series can help you in two ways. 1) you will improve your fluency in English and sound more like a native speaker, and 2) you will educate yourself in the power of goal setting which can have dramatic results in your life. To get the maximum impact, this goal setting series needs repeating.

So follow the link in the Description below which will take you to the Goal Setting Blueprint playlist, and work your way through the 9 videos a number of times. You will be amazed at the effect on your English speaking skills and your goal setting skills.

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