Learn How to Pronounce MANDATORY – MANDATORY in a Sentence

How to Pronounce MANDATORY

Learn how to pronounce MANDATORY correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see MANDATORY in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce MANDATORY – MANDATORY in a Sentence”

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The word MANDATORY is an adjective.

It is pronounced with 4 syllables.

Stress the 1st syllable.

It’s pronounced MAN◦da◦tor◦ee

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required by law or mandate, compulsory, obligatory

Let’s look at an illustrated sentence example.

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In the picture we see a courtroom sketch of an accused person.

The sentence reads: If convicted, he faced a mandatory minimum of five years in prison.

In other words, if he was found guilty, it was compulsory that he spend at least five years in prison.

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Slide 5 – man in court
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Examples of MANDATORY from news items:

That has powered service-industry jobs even in the face of rising costs and the resumption of mandatory student debt payments.
Source: New York Times

Final tally: four mandatory agreements to use the phone, another two for Google account services, and seven optional agreement
Source: The Verge

Even though food fortification is mandatory in the United States, the researchers say the impact of this new study could be felt globally in countries with successful salt iodization programs.
Source: Science Daily

There’s no specific rule that says it’s mandatory to bring a host gift, but the practice has long been customary and deemed an act of respect.
Source: Salon

Although the desire to try out protective gear has increased, there’s no sense yet that the NHL and players in the top hockey league in the world are rushing to make neck guards mandatory.
Source: Washington Times

If you are interested in how to pronounce MANDATORY, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce SECRETARY – SECRETARY in a Sentence