Definition of CONTEMPT – CONTEMPT in a Sentence

By combining pictures with sentence examples, it will be easy to remember the definition of CONTEMPT and how to use it naturally in various contexts.

This video provides 3 illustrated examples of how the word CONTEMPT can be used. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

Here is a transcript of the video: “The Definition of CONTEMPT”

Slide 2:
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a feeling or attitude that someone or something is worthless, despised, not worthy of consideration, extreme lack of respect

Let’s look at 3 illustrated sentence examples.

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The sentence reads: The contempt Trump and Biden feel towards each other becomes evident in the presidential debates.

In other words, through the presidential debates, political rivals Trump and Biden clearly express their extreme lack of respect for each other.

Here’s another example:

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Sentence: If someone is “held in contempt of court”, it means a person is guilty of the crime of being disobedient or disrespectful to a court of law or its officers.

Note this common collocation used in a legal context: “held in contempt” or “in contempt of court”

Here is a third example:

Slide 6:
Sentence: Some young people express their contempt for the older generation and its values and perceived hypocrisy, in the way they dress.

In other words, some young people dress in a way they know their parents or older generation would not approve of, just to show that they have no regard or respect for their feelings or opinions.

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So remember, CONTEMPT means: a feeling or attitude that someone or something is worthless, despised, not worthy of consideration; extreme lack of respect

Synonyms include:

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Here are some common collocations:

contempt for (someone or something)
held in contempt
show contempt
express contempt
atmosphere of contempt
an air of contempt
level of contempt

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Now you understand clearly the meaning of CONTEMPT, check other words in The Illustrated Dictionary such as:
The Meaning of CONCEPT

Image Credits

Slide 4 – Trump Biden
Creative Commons

Slide 5 – courtroom
Royalty Free

Slide 6 – Death-rockers
Creative Commons

Regarding the use of illustrations and photographs used in this video:

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Others are allowed to copy, distribute, display, and perform copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it if they give credit to the creator or source.

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The image may be used for almost any business, personal, educational or charitable purpose as long as a credit is published to the creator of the image.

If you are interested in the definition of CONTEMPT, be sure to check this entry in this entry in The Illustrated Dictionary:
The Definition and Meaning of SPARE – SPARE in a Sentence