1000 ENGLISH NOUNS 41-60 (Illustrated Examples)

Click here for the 3000 English Words Playlist:

Enlarge your English vocabulary with this list of 1000 most common nouns in English. The goal of the playlist is to provide 3000 English words that are important for students to learn. The playlist will expand to include 1000 nouns, 1000 adjectives, and 1000 verbs.

Each word is given a clear definition. Then a picture and sentence example provide a clear connection so the word is easily remembered. The sentence example provides context for the word and where additional meanings exist for any given word, multiple illustrated sentence examples are provided.

By learning these words in English and their meanings, your fluency will skyrocket. The word lists are split into 100 word modules. It is essential to repeat each module. Once a day for 7 days is recommended.

Common English collocations are indicated in the sentence examples by an underline. Pay special attention to the collocations and your naturalness when speaking English will greatly improve.

Here then are the most common English nouns, the English nouns most often used by intermediate to advanced, and native speakers.

Here is a transcript of the video: 1000 COMMON NOUNS in ENGLISH: 41-60

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Pause the video at any time to analyse the sentence or check words or phrases that are new.

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Just to let you know, after we complete this group of 20 words, there’s a review later in the video. Make sure to take a couple of minutes for the review and make a note of the new words you want to add to your vocabulary. So let’s start . . .

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the action or process of releasing, setting free

Sentence: Christian missionary Petr Jasek (Petra Yashek) spent 445 days in a Sudanese jail before diplomatic efforts secured his release in 2017.

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the act of investing money or the amount invested, a commitment of money or capital for financial gain

The picture shows a property for sale.

Sentence: Rather than keep their money in a bank, many people buy property as an investment.

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a commitment of time or support

Sentence: Raising children requires a huge investment of time and energy!

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a category or group

Sentence: How would you like to travel first class?

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a group of students who are taught together

Sentence: Syrian and Lebanese students sit together in this class in a public school in Beirut.

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a social system where people are classified according to social or economic status

Sentence: A comedy sketch from the UK many years ago depicted three social classes in Britain, the upper-class, middle-class and working-class.

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the principal teacher or lecturer; a university academic of the highest rank

Sentence: Marie Curie (Marry Cooree) was the first woman to win a Nobel prize, the first woman to win the Nobel prize twice, and the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris!

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a movable device designed to divide, hide, or protect

Sentence: A screen can be very useful in providing a measure of privacy.

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a flat panel on a device such as a television, computer or smartphone on which images or data are displayed

The picture shows a number of old computer monitors.

Sentence: During the mid to late 1990s, flat screens began to replace the bulky CRT computer monitors.

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to bear the weight of something, to hold up

The picture shows the Commodore Barry Bridge, Delaware River, U.S.A.

Sentence: A bridge pier is a structure made of concrete, stone or metal, that extends to the ground below or into water, to give support to the bridge superstructure.

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to give assistance and help

In the picture we see a husband comforting his wife.

Sentence: After her mum passed away, her husband was such a support.

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a shape with four equal straight sides and four equal angles

Sentence: To stop the children arguing, she cut the Tiramisu into equal squares.

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a contrast between things or people that are similar

The picture shows sisters who are identical twins.

Sentence: If you are not close family, it can be very difficult to make a distinction between identical twins.

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excellence that sets someone or something apart

Sentence: Jane Austen was a novelist of distinction, whose six major novels are still popular, even today.

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  1. the principal method of human communication consisting of words in a structured system
  2. the style of communication

Sentence: Although Gordon Ramsay is internationally famous as a Michelin-starred chef, he is also famous for his bad language!*

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something hard to do, deal with, or understand

Sentence: He climbed to the to top with some difficulty.

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the direction where the sun rises; the eastern part of the world, country, region or city

Sentence: Eastenders is the name given to people who live in the east of London, and the name of a long-running soap opera about their lives.

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the side of a sheet of paper in a book or magazine

The picture shows headline news announcing the death of Michael Jackson.

Sentence: Some news events dominate the front pages of all the newspapers.

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a hard, strong, malleable, durable alloy of iron and carbon and usually other elements

Sentence: Bethlehem Steel (Pennsylvania U.S.A.) was one of the world’s largest manufacturers of steel for most of the 20th century. It finally closed in 2003.

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a set of two things which are matched together and viewed as one thing

Sentence: The word pair is often used with the following nouns: a pair of trousers, shoes, socks, scissors, glasses, and tweezers.

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an even distribution of weight

Sentence: Keeping your balance is probably the most important aspect of surfing.

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an arrangement where the parts are in harmony, or equal, or in the correct proportions

Sentence: This outfit strikes a balance between something comfortable and something fashionable.

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an opening in a wall, door or roof fitting with glass to allow air or light to enter

Sentence: A window fitted into a roof is called a skylight.

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A synthetic material made from various polymers

Sentence: Plastic debris has become a major environmental concern in the 21st century.

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an opening, empty space or hollow

The picture shows a prisoner and the inset shows a colander.

Sentence: Unfortunately the defendant’s testimony in court was like a colander – full of holes!

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focusing one’s attention on something

Sentence: Acrobats are a good example of the power of concentration.

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a gathering of people or things, or something that is concentrated

Sentence: Even after all these years, there is still a high concentration of radiation in and around Chernobyl.

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that which is morally correct, according to law, proper and just

Sentence: In 1918, Emmeline Pankhurst, a British political activist, helped women win the right to vote in Great Britain and Ireland.

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a location or direction on the right side

Sentence: Visitor: “Is there a bank near here?”
Local resident: “Yes, there is one further down on the right.”

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So let’s do the review. We will go at quite a fast pace. You can pause the video at any time if you need to think or check something.

Slides 36-95

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Build a powerful vocabulary.

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