Definition of ATTITUDE – ATTITUDE in a Sentence

Definition of ATTITUDE

This video provides a clear definition of ATTITUDE and 3 illustrated examples of how the word ATTITUDE can be used. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

Here is a transcript of the video: “The Definition of ATTITUDE”

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Pronounced ATTitude
a) a manner of thinking or feeling about a person or thing;
b) uncooperative or arrogant behaviour, or, being assertive with an individual, forceful style of behaviour

Let’s look at 3 illustrated sentence examples.

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The picture shows a woman wearing brightly coloured body paint with an optimistic look on her face.

The sentence reads: People with a positive attitude are optimistic and they remain hopeful and see the best even in difficult situations.

Here’s another example:

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In the picture we see a young woman slumped over he laptop computer, exhausted after researching online college courses.

Sentence: Her attitude toward online college courses began to change when she discovered that many of them had additional hidden costs.

In the next example we see the second meaning of attitude.

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The picture shows a teenager with confident body language.

Sentence: In her teenage years she had real attitude.

Note: When the word ‘attitude’ is used to describe a person who is forceful, aggressive, or arrogant, usually no article is used. e.g. “She has attitude.”

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ATTITUDE: a) a manner of thinking or feeling about a person or thing;
b) uncooperative or arrogant behaviour, or, being assertive with an individual, forceful style of behaviour

Synonyms include:

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Here are some common collocations:

good attitude
bad attitude
his/her attitude toward (something)
attitude concerning (something)
joyful attitude
positive attitude
changing attitudes
he/she has got attitude

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As you were interested in the definition of ATTITUDE, and seeing ATTITUDE in a sentence, be sure to check this entry in The Illustrated Dictionary:
Definition of CONTEMPT – CONTEMPT in a Sentence

Image Credits

Slide 4 – Optimistic woman
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Courtesy of israeldavid76 at Pixabay

Slide 5 – woman with laptop
Royalty Free
Courtesy Vitaly Gariev at unspash

Slide 6 – teenager with attitude
Royalty Free
Courtesy velislav69 at pixabay

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