ENGLISH SPEAKING Practice – Introduction – Echo Method

English Speaking Practice | English Pronunciation Practice

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The Echo Speaking Method

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What is the ECHO SPEAKING method?

You hear a native English speaker say a phrase or sentence, and then repeat it trying to mirror or echo the native speaker’s voice intonation, stress, and pronunciation.

But here is the key: REPETITION. By repeating many times the phrase or sentence, your brain begins to bring your speaking style and pronunciation closer to what you hear.

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Why is REPETITION so important?

Because it WORKS!

However, it takes discipline to keep repeating speaking and pronunciation exercises. For those who have the determination to keep going, the reward is great.

Your English becomes more fluent, confident and accurate.

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Allow me to introduce the ENGLISH SPEAKING & PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE playlist here on YouTube.

Each exercise contains text on an interesting subject. Short phrases, long phrases, and sentences are repeated 3 times.

Turn the volume up loud and repeat after the native speaker, with a loud voice. Doing this 3 times for each phrase or sentence greatly improves your accuracy and fluency.

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continue to the ENGLISH READING PRACTICE playlist.

This playlist contains exercises of the same text, but using the Synchronized Reading method, where you read the text at the same time as the native speaker. Each exercise is available in Advanced or Intermediate level.

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Using these two playlists, one with ECHO SPEAKING and the other with SYNCHRONIZED READING, you will experience a major improvement in your English speaking fluency, confidence, and pronunciation accuracy.

See the DESCRIPTION below for links to these playlists.

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So let’s start. Go to the ENGLISH SPEAKING & PRONUNCIATION playlist, Exercise 1: Mahatma Ghandi.

Later in the day or tomorrow, go to the ENGLISH READING playlist,
Exercise 1: Mahatma Ghandi

You will be amazed at how your English will improve!

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Next: English Speaking & Pronunciation Practice – Exercise 1: Mahatma Ghandi