Learn How to Pronounce SPONTANEOUS – SPONTANEOUS in a Sentence

How to Pronounce SPONTANEOUS – SPONTANEOUS in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce SPONTANEOUS correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see SPONTANEOUS in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “How to Pronounce SPONTANEOUS”

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The word SPONTANEOUS is an adjective.

It has 4 syllables.

Stress the 2nd syllable.

It’s pronounced spon◦TAY◦nee◦us

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happening because of a sudden impulse, not from preparation or forethought

The clipart shows a warning sign for combustible material which can easily burst into flame.

Let’s look at an illustrated sentence example.

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In the picture we see a little girl with a delighted expression on her face, putting her hand over her mouth.

The sentence reads: The wonderful thing about children is that their reactions are often so spontaneous.

In other words, a child’s natural reaction is often due to impulse rather than a prepared response.

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Image Credit:

Slide 5 – Child laughing
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Courtesy jupilu at Pixabay

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Examples of SPONTANEOUS from news items:

Unlike older generations’ curated albums and carefully written letters, though, the digital scraps now left behind are often spontaneous and unedited.
Source: New York Times

Darmanin said the Paris Champs Elysees – a 70-metre-wide avenue that is often the focal point for spontaneous sports celebrations as well as demonstrations – will not be closed on Wednesday.
Source: Reuters

They’ve also been spreading their wings, collaborating with artists from South America, Jamaica and Africa on a number of spontaneous sessions earlier this year.
Source: BBC

The process also resulted in underlying problem-salience — the spontaneous evocation of the food waste problem in consumers’ minds as soon as they need to buy or prepare food.
Source: Salon

The lab’s findings were published in Nature Microbiology in the paper, “Multiple sclerosis patient derived spontaneous B cells have distinct EBV and host gene expression profiles in active disease.”
Source: Science Daily

If you are interested in how to pronounce SPONTANEOUS, and seeing SPONTANEOUS in a sentence, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce CONTEMPORARY – CONTEMPORARY in a Sentence