The Definition of DESPAIR – DESPAIR in a Sentence

Learn the meaning and definition of DESPAIR

This video provides 3 illustrated examples of how the word DESPAIR can be used. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

Here is a transcript of the video: “The Definition of DESPAIR”

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Pronounced desPAIR
with stress on the second syllable.
Noun: complete loss of hope
Verb: to lose or give up hope

The clipart shows a person burying their head in their hands in a state of hopelessness.

Let’s look at 3 illustrated sentence examples.

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The picture shows the home page of the SHOUT organization’s web site.

The sentence reads: Shout is a UK based, free text messaging service for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings of despair.

A person may be tempted to consider suicide if they have lost all hope that their lives will improve. In other words, they are in absolute despair.

Here’s another example:

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In the picture we see a man standing in the road with a worried look on his face.

Sentence: After searching for his dog for over two hours, he was about to give up in despair.

In other words, he was losing all hope that he would find his dog.

Here is a third example:

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The picture shows two friends lying on the grass head to head. The girl on the left looks positive, optimistic.

Sentence: She encouraged her friend by saying: “Things may look bad at the moment. But don’t despair!”

In other words, the girl on the left is telling her friend not to give up, not to lose hope.

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So let’s recap:
DESPAIR: Noun: complete loss of hope
Verb: to lose or give up hope

Synonyms include:

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Here are some common collocations:

give in to despair
give up in despair
feelings of despair
don’t despair
level of despair
moment of despair
sense of despair
growing despair

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Now you understand clearly the meaning of DESPAIR, check other words in The Illustrated Dictionary such as:
The Meaning of ATTITUDE

Image Credits

Slide 4 – Shout
Fair Use

Slide 5 – man in road
Royalty Free
Courtesy James Garcia at unsplash

Slide 6 – two women opposite each other
Royalty Free
Courtesy nikolapeskova at pixabay

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