What Does the Prefix DE Mean?


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What Does the Prefix DE Mean?

Transcript of the video Prefix DE Meaning:

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Let’s look at words beginning with the prefix de and the prefix de meaning:

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The prefix de meaning is ‘away’, ‘from’, ‘down’. It is added to a word to convey a meaning of ‘remove’, ‘reduce’.

Let’s look at some examples . . .

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deprive: meaning, to take something away

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In the picture we see a cage with the hand of an animal holding the wire.

The sentence example reads:
Many people believe it is cruel to deprive an animal of its freedom.

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Next, denuded, meaning, without the usual covering, made bare

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The picture shows a number of trees without any leaves.

The sentence example reads:
As winter approached, the trees became completely denuded.

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The next example is decay, meaning, to rot or break down, to fall into ruin

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The picture shows an old house in amongst trees, in a state of disrepair and ruin.

The sentence example reads:
We came across an old house which had started to decay.

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Next, debunk, meaning, to expose or uncover as false, to prove something is wrong

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The picture shows a cigarette in an ashtray.

The sentence example reads:
In recent years, the idea that cigarette smoking is harmless has been completely debunked.

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The next word is defend, meaning, to keep the enemy away, to protect against a challenge or attack

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The picture shows two horses, stallions, facing each other head to head.

The sentence example reads:
Two stallions prepare to defend their territory.

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Finally, there is the word detox, meaning, a treatment to remove poisonous substances from the body

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The picture shows a slice of fresh lemon in drinking water.

The sentence example reads:
If you need to detox, start each day by drinking lemon water.

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So in summary, what does the prefix de mean?
Remember the prefix de meaning:  ‘away’, ‘from’, ‘down’.

Words beginning with de often contain the idea of something removed or reduced.

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Now you know the meaning of prefix DE, look for other words in your everyday speech that begin with DE and increase your understanding of English.

If you are interested in prefixes, be sure to check this one:
The Meaning of Prefix COM

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panuruangjan | freedigitalphotos.net
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