How to Pronounce ECCENTRIC
The word eccentric is made up of 3 syllables.
The 2nd syllable has the stress so the word is pronounced: ek-SEN-trick
In the example we see a woman holding an umbrella up high.
The sentence reads: Would you describe this lady as a little eccentric?
Now you know how to pronounce ECCENTRIC correctly, try and use it soon in daily conversation.
Examples of ECCENTRIC from news items with useful collocations in bold:
He was also an eccentric person, who according to Mr Webb, often dressed in Western-style clothes and sought the company of highly disciplined and intelligent people.
Source: BBC
In the last 20 years, he’s received more attention for eccentric appearances on reality television shows like “Celebrity Apprentice” and “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.”
Source: The New York Times
Potential investors were concerned about the company’s mounting losses and its eccentric chief executive’s management style and perceived conflicts of interest.
Source: The Seattle Times
At a Shanghai event with Alibaba’s billionaire founder Jack Ma, Tesla’s eccentric CEO compared the intelligence gap between humans and the AI-powered robots of the future to the gap between humans and chimpanzees.
Source: Fox News
Likewise, people who exhibit odd, eccentric, suspicious and paranoid behavior – and who are manipulative, irresponsible and low on empathy – are more likely to believe conspiracy theories.
Source: Salon
Noisy, active, obsessive, eccentric—with a dervishlike mind that spiraled from one scientific question to the next—Thomas Morgan was a professor of zoology at Columbia University
Source: The Gene
In the early decade of the next century, it became synonymous with a certain eccentric rule-breaking: cheerfully steamrollering old distinctions between night and day dressing, haute and street, on-duty and off, to great acclaim.
Source: New York Times
If you are interested in how to pronounce ECCENTRIC, be sure to check this page:
How to Pronounce ADVERSARY
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Slide 4 – lady with umbrella
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