How to Pronounce DEPRECATE

Learn the correct pronunciation of lesser used words by breaking them into syllables.

Then simply learn which syllable requires the most stress.

For example, the word deprecate is made up of 3 syllables.

The 1st syllable has the stress so the word is pronounced: DEP-reh-kate

In the example we see a stand-up comedian.

The sentence reads: He was known for his self-deprecating style of humour.

Examples of DEPRECATE from news items with useful collocations in bold:

Others may question my ability, but I will not deprecate myself or deflate my accomplishments in order to appear humble.
Source: Inc.

Before he teed off the second day, some hotshot players spotted his bag, which contained just 10 clubs, four of which were hybrids, and made deprecating comments.
Source: Golf Digest

“This feature is less useful these days. As a result, we are working to deprecate this functionality soon,” Stamos writes.
Source: The Verge

Until very recently, that kind of wisdom was banished to folkways or deprecated as secondary.
Source: The New York Times

Employees were told to avoid colluding to poach talent, for example, or deprecating the products and tools of Facebook’s third-party developers in a way that might harm those rivals.
Source: Washington Post

“Well, the answer is, President Kennedy pretty much invented humor — self-deprecating humor. Tonight you won’t hear any self-deprecating humor; you’ll hear a lot of deprecating humor.”
Source: New York Times

World opinion remembers Nuremberg fondly, but deprecates the efforts of America to punish Islamists suspected of war crimes today.
Source: The Guardian

Now you know how to pronounce ‘deprecate’ correctly, see if you can find an opportunity soon to use it in your everyday English conversation. This is the best way to commit it to long-term memory.

If you are interested in how to pronounce DEPRECATE, be sure to check:
How to Pronounce MORTGAGE

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