What is the Meaning of MIDDAY?

What is the Meaning of MIDDAY?

Easily remember the meaning of MIDDAY by examining pictures associated with sentence examples.

This video provides 3 illustrated examples. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

At the end of the video, common collocations are listed in which the word MIDDAY is often found. You will also find a list of common synonyms.

Now you know the meaning and definition of MIDDAY, make a conscious effort over the next one or two days to use the word in your English conversation.

Here is a transcript of the video: What is the Meaning and Definition of MIDDAY?

Slide 2:
Pronounced: MID◦day with the stress on the 1st syllable.

the middle of the day, noon or the time shortly before or after noon

The clipart shows a bright sun.

Slide 3:
The picture shows a street scene in Tunisia.

The sentence reads: The backstreets of the old walled part of Kairouan, Tunisia, are usually quiet at midday.

Slide 4:
The picture shows a smiling woman who works for British Gas.

The sentence reads: British Gas employees were given until midday the following Wednesday to sign a new contract and agree to new conditions.

Slide 5:
In the picture we see a man outside under a hot sun.

The sentence reads: “Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun” is a famous line from a song by Noel Coward, first performed in 1931.

Slide 6:
MIDDAY means: the middle of the day, noon or the time shortly before or after noon

Synonyms include:

  • noon
  • noontime
  • noontide
  • lunchtime
  • twelve o’clock

Slide 7:
Common Collocations

  • at midday
  • after midday
  • before midday
  • past midday
  • the midday sun
  • sleep at midday
  • midday meal

Slide 11:
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Check out another entry in THE ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY:
What is the Definition of DISPLAY?

Image Credits

Slides 1, 3 – Tunisia
Creative Commons

Slide 4 – British Gas
Fair Use

Slide 5 – Midday Sun
Creative Commons

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Others are allowed to copy, distribute, MIDDAY, and perform copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it if they give credit to the creator or source.

Start using the word MIDDAY at every opportunity now that you understand its meaning and definition clearly.