What is the Definition of FLAGRANT?

If you are interested in the meaning and definition of FLAGRANT, be sure to check other words in

Easily remember the meaning and definition of FLAGRANT by examining pictures associated with sentence examples.

This video provides 3 illustrated examples. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

At the end of the video, common collocations are listed in which the word FLAGRANT is often found. You will also find a list of common synonyms.

Now you know the meaning and definition of FLAGRANT, make a conscious effort over the next one or two days to use the word in your English conversation.

Here is a transcript of the video: What is the Meaning and Definition of FLAGRANT?

Slide 2:
Pronounced: FLAY◦grant with the stress on the 1st syllable.

obviously wrong, openly outrageous, conspicuously bad

The clipart shows a hand greedily grabbing a large sum of money.

Slide 3:
The picture shows a driver speeding in the city.

The sentence reads: Driving at such a high speed through the city, he showed a flagrant disregard for the safety of his passengers.

Slide 4:
The picture shows a man rushing down the street.

The sentence reads: Continually arriving late for work shows a flagrant lack of respect for one’s employer.

Slide 5:
In the picture we see a group of teenagers.

The sentence reads: Some view the punk lifestyle as a flagrant rebellion against society norms.

Slide 6:
FLAGRANT means: obviously wrong, openly outrageous, conspicuously bad

Synonyms include:

  • brazen
  • obvious
  • overt
  • blatant
  • barefaced

Slide 7:
Common Collocations

  • flagrant disregard
  • flagrant rebellion
  • flagrant violation
  • flagrant breach
  • flagrant disrespect
  • it was flagrant
  • flagrant greed

Slide 8:
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Slide 11:
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Other examples to help with understanding the meaning and definition of FLAGRANT:

Look for opportunities today where you can demonstrate your knowledge of the meaning of FLAGRANT.

As you are interested in the definition of FLAGRANT, be sure to check these further entries in The Illustrated Dictionary:
What is the Meaning of MIDDAY?


Image Credits

Slide 3 – speeding
Creative Commons

Slide 4 – hurrying
Creative Commons

Slide 5 – punks
Creative Commons

Regarding the use of illustrations and photographs used in this video:

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Others are allowed to copy, distribute, FLAGRANT, and perform copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it if they give credit to the creator or source.