ENGLISH Reading Exercises – Try This Effective Method!

English Reading Exercises – Try This Effective Method!


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Hello, I’m David James. Let me explain how you can use “Synchronized Reading” to greatly improve your English speaking fluency!

First, a little background. The brain has an amazing tendency to create and connect patterns. Stare at a cloud in the sky, and soon you may start to see the shape of something familiar. The mind is trying to make something formless relate to something recognizable.

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This natural synchronizing tendency of the brain can be utilized when learning a language.

One method used by many English teachers is echo reading. A teacher will read a phrase or a sentence, and then the student will repeat, following along with the text.

This certainly helps the student become familiar with vocabulary, correct pronunciation, and
voice inflection, which assists greatly with developing fluency.

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However, there is a further step which may be even more beneficial than echo reading. It’s called SYNCHRONIZED READING. It’s very useful for young students and adults.

What is it? The student follows along and reads the text out loud at the same time as the teacher.

The teacher’s voice of course needs to be of sufficient volume so the student can hear the teacher’s voice comfortably above their own.

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What happens through this synchronized reading during English reading practice sessions?

The natural pattern seeking mechanism of the brain now tries to match the student’s voice and pronunciation with the teacher’s reading.

After a few of these exercises, students actually self-adjust their pronunciation and fluency so harmony is achieved with the teacher.

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For synchronized reading to have the maximum effect, it needs to be done frequently in short spells. A 5-10 minute synchronized reading session done regularly will yield dramatic results. Persistence and perseverance are keys to success.

At first it may seem a little awkward but soon you will get used to reading in tune with the teacher under the shadow of the teacher’s voice.

Soon your self-confidence will grow and you will be able to read with much more certainty which will then filter through to speaking English fluently in conversation.

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So, if you want to dramatically improve your English speaking fluency, simply work in harmony with the natural tendency of the human brain to form patterns and synchronize!

In summary, synchronized reading will improve your pronunciation, and especially your fluency as you learn to read word groups and sound more like a native speaker.

Repeat the exercises in this playlist again and again, and see a major improvement in fluency when you speak English!

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Go to the next video in this playlist and try your 1st exercise in ‘Synchronized Reading’ . . .

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Build a Powerful English Vocabulary and speak English with REAL confidence by enrolling in my FREE English Vocabulary Builder course today!

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To exercise your new strategy go to actual English reading exercises in the playlist:


Image Credits

Slide 1 – girl on phone
Creative Commons

Slide 3 – Red Arrows
Creative Commons

Slide 5 – Rubik’s cube – 1
Creative Commons

Rubik’s cube – 2
Creative Commons


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