How to Pronounce IMPRESARIO

How to Pronounce IMPRESARIO

Learn how to pronounce IMPRESARIO correctly by understanding the syllables.

The word IMPRESARIO is a verb made up of 5 syllables.

It is pronounced
im-preh-SAR-ee-oh with the emphasis on the 3RD syllable.

Definition: a person who sponsors and/or organizes entertainment such as a concert, opera, or play

The picture shows a poster for The Phantom of the Opera and a photo of Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The sentence example reads: The Phantom of the Opera, a musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, an English composer and impresario of musical theatre, is one of the most successful entertainment events of all time, grossing over $6 billion worldwide.

Now you know how to say IMPRESARIO, look for opportunities to use it in everyday conversation.

Examples of IMPRESARIO from news items:

Griffin’s demeanor doesn’t fulfill one’s preconceived notions of an impresario: She is soft-spoken and not prone to publicly tooting her own horn.

The impresario and producer Norman Granz recognized Parker’s brilliance — and he saw the potential to broaden his appeal, by shining a softer spotlight on his lemon-cake tone and his richly coiled melodies.

“You are now seeing the biggest collection in the world, the galaxy, the universe,” said Bill Ives, the founder and impresario of the proposed Marching Pageantry Arts Museum.

Rupert Murdoch, the Fox impresario, looks to side-step many of those challenges entirely by building a focused legacy business of news, sports and non-scripted programming.

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If you are interested in how to pronounce IMPRESARIO, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
How to Pronounce TICKLISH

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Slide 4 – Phantom poster Fair Us

Lloyd Webber
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