The Meaning of Prefix PRE – 7 Words That Start With PRE

How to learn the meaning of prefix PRE

This video provides 7 examples with illustrations and sentences of words with the prefix PRE.

By examining carefully these 7 words with the prefix PRE, you will gain a deeper understanding of English and be able to identify other words with this prefix, thus increasing your vocabulary.

Here is a transcript of the video: “The Meaning of Prefix PRE – 7 Words That Start With PRE”

Slide 2:
The prefix PRE means:

  • before – in time or order
  • preceding
  • in advance of, e.g. prepay

Slide 3:
Definition: take for granted beforehand, to act without authority or permission, to act over-confidently

Slide 4:
He took a very good portrait picture, although he didn’t presume to be an experienced photographer.

Slide 5:
Definition: a brief introductory statement in the front of a book

Slide 6:
In the preface the author encouraged the young readers to develop their visual powers while on their rambles.

Slide 7:
Definition: caution taken as preparation for a possible emergency, literally:  before, caution

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He always took the precaution of waiting until the lights changed to green before moving forward.

Slide 9:
Definition: an exclusive right or privilege to command, decide or judge

Slide 10:
He tried to tell her kindly that it was not her prerogative to make appointments for him without his knowledge.

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Definition: judgment before proof is given or without knowledge of the facts

Slide 12:
Sadly many immigrant children face prejudice when they move to another country.

Slide 13:
Definition: unusually early development or maturity, e.g. in mental aptitude,
literally: developed before the usual time or age

Slide 14:
Although he was a good student, he could be a little precocious at times.

Slide 15:
Definition: a foreboding, a warning in advance, an intuition of a future event

Slide 16:
She woke up with a premonition that something bad was going to happen that day.

Slide 17:
The prefix PRE means:

  • before – in time or order
  • preceding
  • in advance of, e.g. prepay

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See you are viewing this page regarding the meaning of prefix PRE, you are obviously interested in prefixes. Be sure to check this page also:
Words With Prefix IN, IL, or IR

Image Credits

Slides 1, 4 – Portrait
Creative Commons

Slide 6 – Book
Creative Commons

Slide 8 – Traffic lights
Creative Commons

Slide 10 – secretary
Creative Commons

Slide 12 – little girl
Creative Commons

Slide 14 – hair
Creative Commons

Slide 16 – in bed
Royalty Free
David Castillo Dominici /

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