The Meaning of Prefix PRO

The Meaning of Prefix PRO

The prefix pro is quite common in English vocabulary. This video gives the meaning of prefix PRO by providing 6 examples of words with the prefix pro. Each example contains a picture and an associated sentence example.

By seeing a picture and then associating it with a sentence in which a word beginning with PRO  is used forms a strong mental connection so you will remember the word more easily.

Learning vocabulary by studying prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, is a very easy and enjoyable way to expand your English vocabulary. You learn to associate words together with a common denominator.

Here is a transcript of the video “Words With the Prefix PRO”

Slide 2:
The prefix PRO means: forward | forth

  • proceed
  • production
  • proliferate
  • promote
  • progress
  • proficient

Slide 3:
Definition: to go forward, to advance

Slide 4:
The guard told the driver to proceed to the next checkpoint.

Slide 5:
After she kept him waiting for 20 minutes, he proceeded to list all the times in the last week when she was late.

Slide 6:
Definition: the act of producing, bringing forth

Slide 7:
The cookie factory was in full production.

Slide 8:
Definition: to bring forth rapidly, to increase, multiply in great number

Slide 9:
During the recession, the number of people seeking government assistance proliferated.

Slide 10:
Definition: to support growth, advancement

Slide 11:
1st Sgt. David Dzwik shakes hands with newly promoted paratroopers.

Slide 12:
Definition: forward movement toward a destination or goal

Slide 13:
1903: First flight of the Wright Flyer, with Orville piloting and Wilbur running at wingtip.

2009: First flight of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

That’s progress!

Slide 14:
Definition: showing an advanced level of skill

Slide 15:
Landing a fighter jet on the deck of an aircraft carrier requires a very high level of proficiency!

Slide 16:
Remember, the prefix PRO simply means:
forward | forth

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Slide 20:
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Image Credits
Slide 4 – guard
Creative Commons

Slide 5 – argument
Creative Commons

Slide 7 – cookie factory
Creative Commons

Slide 9 – crowd
Creative Commons

Slide 11 – promotion
Creative Commons

Slide 13: Wright Flight
Public Domain
Boeing Dreamliner

Slide 15 – fighter jet
Creative Commons

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