Words With the Prefix SYS | SYL | SYM | SYN

Here is a transcript of the video: “Words With the Prefix SYS | SYL | SYM | SYN”

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The prefixes SYS | SYL | SYM | SYN simply mean:

Use SYL before the letter L
Use SYM before the letter M
and use SYN before the letter N

Just a quick reminder:

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Let’s look at some examples of words with the prefix SYS | SYL | SYM | SYN.

Look for the meaning of with, together, or along with in these examples.

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Definition: a set of things working together; a group of interacting, interdependent elements forming a complex whole

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The picture shows the outside of a McDonald’s restaurant.

Sentence example: The extraordinary success of McDonald’s can be partly attributed to the way it has perfected systems for every part of its operation.

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Definition: a unit of pronunciation consisting of one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants

So a word consists of syllables working together.

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In the picture we see the word PERMANENT broken up into syllables.

Sentence example: English students can develop good pronunciation by breaking a word down into syllables.
3 syllables

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Definition: to serve as a symbol of

The sense from Greek is that of “throwing things together” in order to compare.

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The picture shows a United States postage stamp.

Sentence example: Inspired by the poem “In Flanders Fields”, American professor Moina Michael chose the red poppy to symbolize remembrance for those who served in World War I.

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Definition: a feeling of pity or sorrow for the distress of another person

In other words, a person feels together with another person.

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In the picture we see a bouquet of flowers.

Sentence example: Sending flowers in times of tragedy seems a powerful way to express sympathy.

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Definition: a musical composition for full orchestra, usually in three or more movements

In Greek the idea is of harmony, agreeing in sound, in other words, voice or sound together.

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In the picture we see an old document containing Beethoven’s 5th symphony.

Sentence example: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 is perhaps one of the most famous and greatest symphonies of all time.

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Definition: an association of people or companies to promote a common interest or business, working together

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In the picture we see a poster for the 1972 movie The Godfather

Sentence example: A “crime family” is a phrase used to describe a unit of an organized crime syndicate.

Note: For example, the movie The Godfather focuses on the Corleone family, one of five families operating in New York and other parts of the United States.

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Definition: a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word

Hence the idea of being the same, together.

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The picture shows a screen capture from the web site Thesaurus.com

Sentence example: Thesaurus.com is an excellent online resource which provides thousands of synonyms for common words.

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Definition: to cause to occur or operate at the same time or rate

In other words, things happening together.

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The picture shows a person watching television.

Sentence example: Watching TV when the audio and video are not synchronized can be very irritating.

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So remember, the prefixes SYS | SYL | SYM | SYN simply mean: WITH | TOGETHER | ALONG WITH
SYL before letter L | SYM before letter M | SYN before letter N

In this video we learned these words:

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Image Credits

Slide 5 – McDonald’s
Creative Commons

Slide 9 – red poppy
Creative Commons

Slide 11 – flowers
Royalty Free

Slide 13 – Symphony No. 5
Creative Commons

Slide 15 – The Godfather
Fair Use

Slide 17 – Thesaurus
Fair Use

Slide 19 – TV
Royalty Free
Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

Regarding the use of illustrations and photographs used in this video:

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Others are allowed to copy, distribute, display, and perform copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it if they give credit to the creator or source.

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The image may be used for almost any business, personal, educational or charitable purpose as long as a credit is published to the creator of the image.

If you are interested in words with the prefix SYS | SYL | SYM | SYN, be sure to check this page from The Prefixes Guide:
The Meaning of Prefix AB | ABS