Learn How to Pronounce GHOUL – GHOUL in a Sentence

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce GHOUL – GHOUL in a Sentence”

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The word GHOUL is a noun. It consists of 1 syllable.

It’s pronounced GOOL

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an evil spirit or demon believed to rob graves and feed on corpses

Note: the concept originated in pre-Islamic Arabian religion

Let’s look at an illustrated sentence example.

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This engraving is entitled: “Amine Discovered with the Goule”, from the story of Sidi Nouman, of the One Thousand and One Nights.

Note: although Ghoule is spelled with an ‘e’ in this title, the common English spelling is Ghoul without an ‘e’.

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resembling a ghoul or
morbidly interested in death or taking delight in what is morbid or revolting

Here’s an illustrated sentence example:

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The 1968 American horror film “Night of the Living Dead” is still popular among people with a ghoulish interest.

In other words, those who are interested in death, or revolting, morbid subjects.

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Image Credit:

Slide 5 – Amine
Public Domain

Slide 7 – Night of the Living Dead
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Public Domain
Public domain works are not restricted by copyright and do not require a license or fee to use. Public domain status allows the user unrestricted access and unlimited creativity. These are typically very old works.

Examples of GHOUL or GHOULISH from news items:

Whatever the mind conjures up, custom-made for unique neuroses and fears, may well be scarier than any tangible monster or ghoul.
Source: New York Times

Like those horror movies where the ghoul crosses the room in an instant, cockroaches startle us with supernatural swiftness, Lockwood says.
Source: Time

An ophiocordyceps fungus, akin to the real-life one that ghoulishly takes over the bodies of ants, mutates to infest humans, turning civilization into a global mushroom farm.
Source: New York Times

Midway through Obsidian Entertainment’s new role-playing shooter The Outer Worlds, I met a man miserably playing a corporate mascot, his head semi-permanently enclosed in a large, ghoulish moon mask.
Source: The VergeS

In a few seconds of mounting disbelief, the Houston crowd felt as if it was seeing ghouls and horrors a day early.
Source: The Washington Post

If you are interested in how to pronounce GHOUL, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce MINIATURE – MINIATURE in a Sentence