ENGLISH Reading Exercise #19 (Intermediate) Goal Setting Step 5

ENGLISH Reading Exercise #19 (Intermediate)


To improve your English fluency and confidence when speaking, use the Synchronized Reading Method. Be sure to watch the Introduction video in the link above first, to understand the methodology. These English reading practice sessions will dramatically improve your English fluency.

These exercises are designed for intermediate to advanced students who want to sound like a native speaker. By reading along with the teacher at the same time, with the teacher’s voice superimposed over their own, students start to self-correct in the areas of pronunciation and fluency, learning to read and speak in natural word groups.

If you find the pace is too slow, go to the Advanced version, and repeat until you are fluent in sync with the teacher’s reading.

Here is a transcript of the video: English Reading Practice: Exercise 19 (Advanced) – Goal Setting Blueprint – Step 5

Be sure to watch the introductory video to this playlist before doing this exercise.
Click on the link below in the Description . . .


  1. Turn up the volume so the teacher’s voice is loud.
  2. Read the words in red out loud at the same time as the teacher.
  3. Pay attention to the teacher’s voice intonation and the word groups.
  4. If you find the speed is too fast, go to the playlist and choose the advanced version.
  5. Check any new words in a dictionary to fully understand the text.

Step 5 – Goal Objectives: Looking Ahead To Get Ahead With Planning

With goal objectives in mind, consider the organizers of a marathon race.
They take time to research and decide on a route that is safe, scenic, and well-suited for runners. They take time to mark out the course. The way is planned. Otherwise reaching the finish line would be a matter of chance, depending on whether a runner just happened to be in the area to see it!
Likewise, reaching goal objectives requires planning.

In Step 3, on how to reach goals, we discussed the importance of identifying obstacles and acquiring help.
We were encouraged to make a list of possible obstacles, and yet another list of knowledge, people or organizations that could help us.

In Step 4, with regard to goal planning, we saw the need for deadlines, and the need to make another list of manageable slices or segments leading toward the main goal.

Now, Step 5 involves using all the information gathered from these two previous steps.
Combine all these lists and put them in a logical order.

Lay out the manageable steps in order of progression, interweaving the details from your obstacles list and help list.

Get a large sketch pad or use an electronic device, and play around with the order of things, until the plan begins to flow towards your goal objectives.

Acquiring knowledge, for example, would come before contacting people or organizations.
Once you have educated yourself a little, you can ask intelligent questions and get valuable answers and leads. Without knowledge, you don’t even know what you need to know, to be able to ask!
A mind map is an excellent tool for this kind of planning.

If the concept of mind mapping is new to you, just Google it! You will find a wealth of information on the advantages of mind mapping and how to do it.

Move Toward Goal Objectives With A FLEXIBLE Plan
Make sure your plan is not too rigid!
Otherwise any deviation from the course could spell disaster if the plan is not flexible!
So factor in room for the unexpected when moving towards your goal objectives.
If one deadline is missed, it should not jeopardize the rest of the plan.

Have more than one option open at crucial stages.
The flow can then follow a different route, and still arrive at the same destination, and achieve your goal objectives.
Once this session is completed, you now have an action plan.
The course to the finish line for your goal is set. The way is marked out.

Goal Objectives – Look Ahead
This step is a tremendous confidence booster, and it is extremely practical.
Without planning, you can drop out of the race early on.
With a carefully crafted plan, you will be able to make the most efficient use of your resources, including time, money and effort.

A plan will help you manage risks more effectively, minimizing their impact on the final result.
A plan increases productivity, as you don’t waste time thinking about what to do next. You just simply follow the route that has been carefully worked out.

So when it comes to your goals, by looking ahead through planning, you get ahead and stay ahead!

Next, Step 6 – When Reaching Goals, Use Mental Pictures: Put A Film Studio In Your Head!

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Now you have completed this English Reading Exercise, try this one:
English Reading Practice: Exercise 14 (Advanced) Goal Setting Introduction