The Meaning of Prefix BI (With Illustrated Examples)

The Meaning of Prefix BI (With Illustrated Examples)

The prefix BI is very common and often used in English. This video provides 6 illustrated examples of words with the prefix BI. Each example contains a picture and an associated sentence example.

By seeing a picture and then associating it with a sentence in which a word beginning with BI  is used, a strong mental connection is formed so you will remember the word more easily.

Learning vocabulary by studying prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, is a very easy and enjoyable way to expand your English vocabulary. You learn to associate words together with a common denominator.

Here is a transcript of the video “Words With the Prefix BI”

Slide 2:
The prefix BI means: two

  • bicycle
  • bigamist
  • bilingual
  • binoculars
  • biceps
  • bifocal

Slide 3:

Definition: a two-wheeled vehicle propelled by foot-power

Slide 4:
With a population of just over 17 million, and bicycles numbering over 22 million, The Netherlands has more bicycles than people.

Slide 5:

Definition: someone who marries a person while being married to someone else

Slide 6:
The Bigamist was a 1921 British silent movie about a woman who was happily married for five years, who discovers her husband had married another woman before her.

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Definition: speaking two languages fluently

Slide 8:
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, is bilingual, speaking English and fluent Mandarin Chinese.

Slide 9:

Definition: an optical instrument with a lens for each eye, allowing a user to use both eyes when viewing a distant object

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Binoculars have long been used by the military; this pair belonged to a soldier in World War 1.

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Definition: a muscle having two points of attachment at one end

Slide 12:
The dumbbell curl is a classic exercise for building bigger biceps.

Slide 13:

Definition: glasses with a lens divided into two parts, one for distant vision and one for near vision.

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With her new bifocal glasses she was able to read and also see distant objects, without having to change glasses.

Slide 15:
Remember, the prefix BI simply means: two

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If you are interested in words with the prefix BI, be sure to check this page:
The Meaning of Prefix PRO

Image Credits

Slide 4 – bicycle
Creative Commons

Slide 6 – bigamist
Creative Commons

Slide 8 – Zuckerberg
Creative Commons

Slide 10 – binoculars
Creative Commons

Slide 12 – biceps
Creative Commons

Slide 14 – glasses
Royalty Free
Credit: Verbaska at

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Royalty Free
The image may be used for almost any business, personal, educational or charitable purpose as long as a credit is published to the creator of the image.

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