ENGLISH Reading Exercise #9 (Advanced): Self-Discipline

ENGLISH Reading Exercise #9 (Advanced): Develop Self-Discipline


This exercise has been created for English students who are at a beginner to advanced level. The pace of the reading is faster.

During this English reading practice session, you will read along with the teacher at the same time, with the teacher’s voice superimposed over their own, students start to self-correct in the areas of pronunciation and fluency, learning to read and speak in natural word groups.

English reading practice will certainly help you speak English fluently or at least great improve your English fluency.

Here is the transcript for “English Reading Practice Exercise 9 (Advanced)”

Be sure to watch the introductory video to this playlist before doing this exercise.

Click on the link below in the Description . . .


  1. Turn up the volume so the teacher’s voice is loud.
  2. Read the words in red out loud at the same time as the teacher.
  3. Pay attention to the teacher’s voice intonation and the word groups.
  4. If you find the speed is too fast, go to the playlist and choose the intermediate version.

The text:

Develop Self-Discipline
What is self-discipline? Elbert Hubbard, an American writer, publisher, artist and philosopher, gave one of the best definitions of self-discipline. He said: “Self-discipline is the ability to do WHAT you should do, WHEN you should do it, WHETHER you feel like it or not.” All other success principles in life depend on this crucial quality. Without self-discipline, goals and objectives remain on the starting block.

Here are some other phrases synonymous with self-discipline. Self-mastery is the ability to be master over your own mind and body. In other words, it is the ability to control one’s emotions, desires, and appetite. Self-denial involves self-sacrifice. It means denying yourself certain pleasures in order to accomplish a greater good. Self-control is another phrase that describes the ability to keep our emotions and actions under control and consistent with our beliefs and principles for living.

Delayed gratification refers to the ability to delay enjoyment and satisfaction in the short-term, in order to accomplish a long-term goal. A student may delay the enjoyment of meeting with friends and socializing every night in order to spend time studying and focusing on their education, which will help them reach their long-term goals.

Albert Grey, who for 30 years worked for the Prudential Insurance Company of America, delivered a presentation in 1940 at an annual convention in Philadelphia entitled: “The Common Denominator of Success”. Mr. Grey revealed that he set out on a voyage of discovery to find out the secret of success. After exhaustive research and study, he came to a simple conclusion. To quote him: “The common denominator of success — the secret of success of every man who has ever been successful – lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do.”

In other words, the common denominator of success is that successful people make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do. They develop habits which give attention to priorities first. As motivational speaker Brian Tracy puts it: “They eat dinner before dessert.” Given the opportunity, many children would eat dessert before dinner. They want instant gratification. An adult has learned that there is an order of things. Only eat dessert after you have eaten dinner. Habits can be learned and developed. By repetition, a certain behaviour becomes a habit.

By using self-discipline to delay instant gratification, and resist the temptation to get side-tracked from what we should do, when we should do it, healthy habits are formed that can be a track on which we run our lives. The habit of self-dscipline creates self-confidence and self-respect. People who have learned to practice self-discipline are generally happier and more fulfilled. Practice self-discipline, and see improvements in your business or career, relationships, health and personal finance.

Be determined to break old habits that are holding you back, and instead develop habits of determination, perseverance and self-discipline. Do you remember the definition? “Self-discipline is the ability to do WHAT you should do, WHEN you should do it, WHETHER you feel like it or not.” Now all that’s left is for you to make a personal decision and resolution that this will be your guiding principle from now on.

That is the end of the reading.

Repeat this exercise many times until you can synchronize your reading with the teacher.

Practice other exercises in this playlist and see a major improvement in your English speaking fluency.

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If you found this English Practice Reading Exercise helpful, be sure to check Exercise 6 (Advanced) which provides helpful information on enthusiasm:
ENGLISH Reading Exercise #8 (Advanced): How to Get Ideas