ENGLISH Reading Exercise #14 (Intermediate) Goal Setting Introduction

ENGLISH Reading Exercise #14 (Intermediate)


To improve your English fluency and confidence when speaking, use the Synchronized Reading Method. Be sure to watch the Introduction video in the link above first, to understand the methodology. These English reading practice sessions will dramatically improve your English fluency.

These exercises are designed for intermediate to advanced students who want to sound like a native speaker. By reading along with the teacher at the same time, with the teacher’s voice superimposed over their own, students start to self-correct in the areas of pronunciation and fluency, learning to read and speak in natural word groups.

If you find the pace is too slow, go to the Advanced version, and repeat until you are fluent in sync with the teacher’s reading.

Here is a transcript of the video: English Reading Exercise #14 (Intermediate) – Goal Setting Blueprint – Introduction

Be sure to watch the introductory video to this playlist before doing this exercise.
Click on the link below in the Description . . .


  1. Turn up the volume so the teacher’s voice is loud.
  2. Read the words in red out loud at the same time as the teacher.
  3. Pay attention to the teacher’s voice intonation and the word groups.
  4. If you find the speed is too fast, go to the playlist and choose the intermediate version.
  5. Check any new words in a dictionary to fully understand the text.

Let’s start:
Goal Setting Course: The Blueprint
Why is goal setting important?
Because without goals you don’t go anywhere!
Whenever you see anything worthwhile being done anywhere, it is because someone is behind it with a passion, a belief and a goal!
When it comes to your personal life or your career, goal setting can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence and accomplishment.
While many people set goals to earn more money, or be successful in business, or embark on an exciting career path, there are some fundamental goals which are often forgotten.
One very important goal is to rid ourselves of negative emotions. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, jealousy, or self-pity can sabotage our efforts to reach other goals.
By stopping negative emotions, positive emotions can take their place. For example, setting a goal to be more enthusiastic, loving, empathetic, or kind, can have a great impact on reaching all other goals.
By setting a goal to stop blaming others when things go wrong, or trying to justify ourselves when we make mistakes, can lead us to take full responsibility for our actions. We then become a mature adult who is much more likely to enjoy success and happiness.
So learn to set goals in many areas of life. First, as we have mentioned, get yourself under control. Practice self-discipline. Then you are more likely to find success in reaching other goals. These may include improving our health through proper nutrition and exercise. Improving the quality of our relationships within the family or with friends and work colleagues is another worthy goal. Of course, as mentioned, no doubt we will want to set goals relating to our career, promotion in a company, starting a business, or reaching a certain income level.
Now, is there some goal setting formula or strategy that can be employed to increase your chances of success?
Thankfully, YES!
Notice the title of this video series: Goal Setting: The Blueprint
What is a blueprint?
It can refer to a negative used in photography for architectural plans, maps or mechanical drawings.
It can also mean a detailed plan or program of action.
This free Goal Setting Course comprises the following 7 steps:
Step 1 – Intense Desire: Rocket Fuel For Your Goals!
Step 2 – Write Down Goals to Tie Them Up!
Step 3 – To Reach Goals: Bypass Resistance & Gather Assistance
Step 4 – Goal Planning: Use Deadlines As Lifelines
Step 5 – Goal Objectives: Looking Ahead To Get Ahead With Planning
Step 6 – When Reaching Goals Use Mental Pictures: Put A Film Studio In Your Head!
Step 7 – Achieving Goals: The Remaining 90% – Sheer Persistence
So, take these 7 steps and rewrite them on a card or in a notebook for frequent reference.
Keep them on your computer in a note on your desktop.
Use the 7 steps in this playlist as a BLUEPRINT.
Follow these steps closely and you will be successful at goal setting.
By following this 9 video playlist using the Synchronized Reading method, you will accomplish two things at the same time:

  1. You will educate yourself regarding the amazing power of goal setting.
  2. You will see a major improvement in your English speaking fluency.
    So go to the next video and start. Step 1 is entitled: Intense Desire: Rocket Fuel For Your Goals!

Has this video helped you?

Build A Powerful English Vocabulary with my FREE course on UDEMY
Go to: http://goodenglish.online

Now you have completed this English Reading Exercise, try this one:
English Reading Practice: Exercise 13 (Intermediate) The Roman Room Memory Method