What is the Definition of TANTAMOUNT?

What is the Meaning and Definition of TANTAMOUNT?

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Slide 1: What is the meaning and definition of tantamount.

Slide 2: TANTAMOUNT. The stress is on the first syllable, TAN◦tah◦mount.

Definition: equal to, the same as

The clipart shows parallel lines, an equals symbol.

Let’s look at an illustrated sentence example.

Slide 3: The picture shows a young woman who is shocked at something her male colleague said. In her mind it was the same as sexual harassment.

SENTENCE EXAMPLE: When her colleague made a personal comment about her body, she thought it was tantamount to sexual harassment.

Slide 4: This is a part of my FREE course “Build a Powerful English Vocabulary” at Udemy.

The full course includes another 4 illustrated sentence examples for the word ‘tantamount’

AND . . .

Slide 5: you will also learn these words:

  • sporadic
  • obsolete
  • ludicrous
  • sceptical

Slide 6: Build a Powerful English Vocabulary and speak English with REAL confidence by
enrolling in my FREE online course today!

Go to: http://goodenglish.online

More examples of ‘tantamount’:

The writers seemed to believe that merely acknowledging that something exists is tantamount to making a meaningful observation about it, a problem with much of modern American satire.
Source: https://www.salon.com/2020/03/15/the-hunt-trump-craig-zobel/

Watching Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate in Charleston, S.C., was tantamount to undergoing a root canal without anesthesia.
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-democratic-field-needs-to-whittle-away-sanders-bloomberg-and-buttigieg/2020/02/28/0135fd96-59a9-11ea-ab68-101ecfec2532_story.html

I assume that some historians and journalists omit certain of these appalling stories because they dismiss them as mere gossip and perhaps tantamount to fake news.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/25/movies/weinstein-jail.html

Engaging in distance learning with your classmates, being part of a pod and keeping in frequent touch with friends online is hardly tantamount to solitary confinement, he noted.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/11/health/pandemic-middle-school-mental-health.html

As you checked this page about the definition of tantamount, be sure to check another page to increase your advanced vocabulary:

Image Credit

Slide 3 – Shocked colleague
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Courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net