How to Pronounce ABDOMEN

How to Pronounce ABDOMEN

Learn how to pronounce abdomen correctly by understanding the syllables and which one to stress.

The word abdomen is made up of 3 syllables. Stress the first syllable – AB-duh-men.

The older pronuciation is ab-DOH-men, which you still often hear.

In the example we see a man holding his tummy.
The sentence reads: This street cleaner seems to be feeling pain in his abdomen.

Examples of ‘abdomen’ in common use:

Common symptoms include shortness of breath during activity, such as going up and down stairs; swelling in the lower limbs or abdomen; and trouble breathing while lying flat.
Source: The Washington Post

But, moments later, he felt a sharp pain in the side of his abdomen that went on to keep him up all night.
Source: The Guardian

“I learned really quickly as a kid to hold that camera like somebody would do at a rifle match, where they put their elbows into their abdomen and hold it really still.”
Source: Forbes

Now you know how to pronounce abdomen correctly, try and use it today in your English conversation.

If you are interested in how to say ABDOMEN, check this page:
How to Pronounce CONTROVERSY

Image Credits Slide 4 – street cleaner
Creative Commons

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