Definition of FRAGILE – FRAGILE in a Sentence

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#002: FRAGILE (FRA◦jile)
DEFINITION: easily broken or damaged

STORY: It’s called FRIDGE ISLE because people leave their fridges that have been easily broken (FRIDGE-ISLE . . . FRAGILE)

FRAGILE IN A SENTENCE: When shopping, she trained her daughter to always put fragile items on the top of the basket.

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Here are other instances of FRAGILE in a sentence taken from various news items:

Isn’t it bad enough to see one entire apartment building disappear, killing 98, into unsound earth near Miami Beach without considering banning further development in what is clearly becoming much more fragile land?
Source: Salon

Our forefathers destroyed habitat and took the lives of millions of creatures with hardly a second thought, impoverishing our native fauna, undermining fragile ecosystems and diminishing us all in the process.
Source: Scientific American

Finally, it goes without saying that small businesses are indeed quite fragile at times, given that 50 percent of new start-ups fail within the first 5 years of operation, according to the essay.
Source: Fox News

The manly, capable, wounded older brother — sometimes missing an arm rather than a leg — is a recurring character, often contrasted with a more introverted, psychologically fragile younger sibling.
Source: New York Times you know the definition of FRAGILE and read some examples of FRAGILE in a sentence, look for opportunities to use it in your conversation.

Still, the relationship between the administration and resettlement groups is fragile, badly strained by Biden’s initial hesitancy earlier this year to raise the nation’s annual cap on refugees.
Source: Washington Post

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