What Does the Word Root MISS Mean?

The Word Root MISS & MITT

The word root MITT or MSS simply means “to send”. See seven illustrated sentence examples of these word roots and notice a common denominator.

Take a moment to view the picture then listen as the sentence example is read. This will help you to remember words with the root MITT or MISS. Be sure to look for more examples as you read or listen to English.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Words With the Root MITT or MISS” . . .

Slide 2:
The word root MITT and MISS mean TO SEND
Note: MITT and MISS are variant spellings from Latin

Slide 4:

Definition: 1. entrance, the permission to enter
2. a confession or acknowledgement of a fact

Slide 5:
The picture shows the outside of a nightclub at night.

Here is an example of where admission means permission to enter.

Sentence example: A couple of bouncers at the door restricted admission to members only.

Note: A bouncer is a person employed by a nightclub to prevent unwanted people from entering, or to remove them from the premises. Informal English

Slide 6:
In the picture we see Bono, the lead singer with the rock band U2, performing.

Here is an example of where admission means to acknowledge or confess something.

Sentence example: “It’s good to be in bands, I’m in all sorts of bands.” — Bono
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/its-good-bands-laura-desmond/

This is quite an admission from an artist who is clearly successful in his own right.

Slide 7:

Definition: a document or certificate giving permission to do something

Note: the verb perMIT means “to allow to do something”

Slide 8:
The picture shows a parking sign on a wall.

Sentence example: In many large cities where parking is a problem, local residents can obtain a permit allowing only permit holders to park in the street at certain times.

Slide 9:

Definition: failing to perform a duty, careless

Slide 10:
The picture shows a person’s gmail account.

Sentence example: He was a little remiss with his correspondence and had over 100 unanswered emails.

Slide 11:

Definition: to allow to leave, to discharge from service

Slide 12:
In the picture we see a military officer walking past a group of soldiers.

Sentence example: Captain Scott Geer shouts “Dismissed” to a group of soldiers about to be reunited with their family and friends waiting outside.

Slide 13:

Definition: to send across, to send from one person, thing, or place, to another

Slide 14:
We see a closeup picture of an antenna on the Empire State Building.

Sentence example: In 1965, there was a revolutionary step in broadcasting technology, when the Alford Antenna was installed on the Empire State Building, New York, allowing multiple FM radio stations to transmit from a single antenna.

Slide 15:

Definition: to do or perform something

Slide 16:
In the picture we see a group of men standing behind microphones, making a public statement.

Sentence example: Six Irishmen, known as the Birmingham Six, were released in 1991 after spending 16 years in prison for a crime they did not commit.

Slide 17:
So remember, the word root MITT and MISS mean: TO SEND



Slide 19:
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Now you know a number of words with the root MITT or MISS, actively look for more and increase your English vocabulary.

If you are interested in words with the root MITT or MISS, you may be interested in this lesson:
Words With the Root GERM

Image Credits

Slide 5 – nightclub
Creative Commons

Slide 6 – Bono
Creative Commons

Slide 8 – permit holders
Creative Commons

Slide 10 – email
Creative Commons

Slide 12 – soldiers
Creative Commons

Slide 14 – antenna
Creative Commons
Fair Use

Slide 16 – Birmingham Six
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