What is the Meaning of Suffix OLOGY?

What is the Meaning of Suffix OLOGY?

In this video we examine the meaning of the suffix OLOGY and then see 5 words with the suffix OLOGY. For each word, a definition is provided and then an illustrated sentence example.

To improve your English, always look for connections and associations between words. In the five words with the suffix OLOGY, see what common denominator exists.

Although 5 sentence examples are given, see how many other words you can think of that end with OLOGY.

Here is a transcript of the video “Words with the Suffix OLOGY” . . .

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The suffix OLOGY means the study of something, a science.

OLOGY is a compound suffix consisting of O meaning OF and LOGY meaning study, science, theory.

Consider these examples of words that end in OLOGY:


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Definition: The study of the earth through rock formations.

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Sentence example: Dating rocks is an important sub-discipline in geology, attracting a distinct group of enthusiasts.

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Definition: The study of God and religions.

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Sentence example: The Ebor Lectures are an annual series of lectures in the United Kingdom which aim to draw together theology and public life.

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Definition: The science of life and living organisms.

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Sentence example: Biology undergrads at the Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, can now do their first and second year lab work on campus.

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Definition: The study of the mind and mental processes.

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Example: “Volunteer Duty” Psychology Testing

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Definition: The study of crime and its social impact.

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Sentence example: A degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice can lead to a career as a Police Officer, Corrections Officer, or Forensic Science Technician.

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Remember, when you see words that end in OLOGY, you know it is referring to the study of or the science of a particular subject.

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Now you know the meaning of suffix OLOGY, look for other words with this suffix and enlarge your vocabulary. You may also be interested in:
Words With the Suffix ARY


Image Credits

Slides 1, 4, 13 – desert
Creative Commons

Slides 6, 13 – lecture
Creative Commons

Slides 8, 13 – laboratory
Creative Commons

Slides 10, 13 – experiment
Creative Commons

Slides 12, 13 – police
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