The Meaning of Prefix CON

The Meaning of Prefix CON

The prefix CON has various forms in English. It can appear as COM and CO. This video provides 6 illustrated examples of words with the prefix CON. Each example contains a picture and an associated sentence example.

By seeing a picture and then associating it with a sentence in which a word beginning with CON is used, a strong mental connection is formed so you will remember the word more easily.

Learning vocabulary by studying prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, is a very easy and enjoyable way to expand your English vocabulary. You learn to associate words together with a common denominator.

Here is a transcript of the video “Words With the Prefix CON”

Slide 2:
The meaning of prefix CON: with, together.

  • connect
  • congress
  • coherent
  • cooperate
  • collide
  • collect

Note: The prefix CON can take various forms. In the examples above, the ‘n’ is omitted in some cases. It can also appear as COM.

Slide 3:

Definition: to link together, to create a relationship

Slide 4:
The Sunshine Skyway Bridge connects St. Petersburg with Terra Ceia in Florida, U.S.A.

Slide 5:

Definition: a formal meeting or series of meetings where representatives of institutions or organizations come together.

Slide 6:
In this archive photograph, we see a meeting of the United States Congress, around the year 1915.

Slide 7:

Definition: sticking together, a union of parts; logical and consistent

Slide 8:
After drinking two glasses of wine, she wasn’t very coherent.

Slide 9:

Definition: to work together for a common cause

Slide 10:
After a heated argument with the police, the student refused to cooperate.

Slide 11:

Definition: hit by accident, to come together with violent impact

Slide 12:
Perhaps they were going for the same fish, but these two eagles nearly collided over the lake.

Slide 13:

Definition: to gather together in one place, to group together

Slide 14:
She spent the day collecting names for a petition to bring a post office back to their area.

Slide 15:
The prefix CON means: with, together.

Slide 16:
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If you are interested in the meaning of prefix CON, be sure to check another prefix from The Prefix Guide:
The Meaning of Prefix BI (With Illustrated Examples)

Image Credits

Slide 4 – Skyway Bridge
Creative Commons

Slide 6 – US congress
Public Domain

Slide 8 – wine
Creative Commons

Slide 10 – student with police
Creative Commons

Slide 12 – eagles
Creative Commons

Slide 14 – petition
Creative Commons

Regarding the use of illustrations and photographs used in this video:

Public Domain

Public domain works are not restricted by copyright and do not require a license or fee to use. Public domain status allows the user unrestricted access and unlimited creativity. These are typically very old works.

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