ENGLISH Reading Exercise #6 (Advanced): Enthusiasm

ENGLISH Reading Exercise #6 (Advanced): Enthusiasm


This exercise has been created for English students who are at a beginner to advanced level. The pace of the reading is faster.

During this English reading practice session, you will read along with the teacher at the same time, with the teacher’s voice superimposed over their own, students start to self-correct in the areas of pronunciation and fluency, learning to read and speak in natural word groups.

English reading practice will certainly help you speak English fluently or at least great improve your English fluency.

Here is the transcript for “English Reading Practice Exercise 6 (Advanced)”

Be sure to watch the introductory video to this playlist before doing this exercise.

Click on the link below in the Description . . .


  1. Turn up the volume so the teacher’s voice is loud.
  2. Read the words in red out loud at the same time as the teacher.
  3. Pay attention to the teacher’s voice intonation and the word groups.
  4. If you find the speed is too fast, go to the playlist and choose the intermediate version.

The text:

The Power of Enthusiasm!
What is enthusiasm? It is an intense excitement, enjoyment or interest in a subject or activity. A common collocation is to have a ‘burning enthusiasm’ for something. Yes, enthusiasm can be compared to a fire which is intense, hot. Also, like fire which spreads quickly and easily, an enthusiastic person can soon motivate those around them to become enthusiastic.

A vivid demonstration of the power of enthusiasm is found in the story of Frank Bettger. Frank Bettger started out in professional baseball back in 1907. Shortly after, he was fired. His manager told him he was lazy. This came as a shock to Frank Bettger. He started again playing for a minor team but resolved that in everything he did he would act enthusiastically.

After three days he was given the chance of a trial with a big club. From the minute he entered the field, he acted like a man electrified. Did it work? Yes. His enthusiasm overcame his fear. His enthusiasm also affected other players and they became enthusiastic. The newspapers began calling him Pep Bettger, the life of the team. Within 10 days, his enthusiasm had taken him from $25 a month to $185 a month, a 700 percent increase!

Had he acquired more ability as a ball player? No. Enthusiasm did it, enthusiasm alone! Two years later, an accident forced him to give up baseball. He started a new career selling insurance. The next 10 months were some of the most difficult in his life. He was a total failure at selling insurance. Then one night, he sat up thinking back on his days in baseball and realized he had fallen into the same trap. Enthusiasm lifted him out of the pit before and he decided it would do the same again.

From that moment on he decided to put real enthusiasm into his selling presentations. He forced himself to act enthusiastically, and soon after he began to feel enthusiastic. He eventually became one of America’s most outstanding successes. He says: “During my thirty two years of selling, I have seen enthusiasm double and treble the income of dozens of sales personnel. I firmly believe enthusiasm is by far the biggest single factor in successful selling.”

It might be the biggest single factor in successful selling, but it can also be the biggest single factor in success in any avenue of life you wish to undertake. Overcome frustration, mediocrity, failure and despair by using the amazing power of enthusiasm.

How do you show enthusiasm? 1. In your posture. Stand erect, don’t slouch. 2. Smile. A smile widens the eyes and makes a person more attractive. 3. Speak with energy and life. Increase your volume and speak in higher tones to convey excitement and interest. 4. Ask questions. This shows you are interested in the other person and their interests. 5. Move energetically. Walk with a spring in your step.

Set yourself a goal you have just got to reach. Then build under it the fire of anticipation and keep it burning with enthusiasm. Then when you reach your goal, set another one. New goals, fresh objectives are self-perpetuating motivators of enthusiasm. Remember when you face a challenge, tap into the power of enthusiasm!

That is the end of the reading.

Repeat this exercise many times until you can synchronize your reading with the teacher.

Practice other exercises in this playlist and see a major improvement in your English speaking fluency.

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If you found this English Practice Reading Exercise helpful, be sure to check Exercise 5 (Advanced) which provides helpful information on Goal Setting:
ENGLISH Reading Exercise #5 (Advanced): Goal Setting