The Meaning of CURIOUS – CURIOUS in a Sentence

The Meaning of CURIOUS – CURIOUS in a Sentence

By combining pictures with sentence examples, it will be easy to remember the meaning of CURIOUS.

This video provides 3 examples of CURIOUS in a sentence. Take a moment to look at the picture, then listen and read the sentence example. Then make sure you understand the sentence. Look up in a dictionary any other words you do not understand.

At the end of the video, common collocations are listed in which the word CURIOUS is often found. You will also find a list of common synonyms.

Now you know the meaning and definition of CURIOUS, try to look for opportunities to use it in daily conversation.

Here is a transcript of the video: What is the Meaning and Definition of CURIOUS?

Slide 2:
CURIOUS (adj.)
Pronounced: CURE◦ee◦us with the stress on the 1st syllable.

eager to know or learn something, inquisitive

The clipart shows a young girl peering into a basket.

Slide 3:
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Slide 4:
The picture shows a cat peering out of a window.

The sentence reads: Few animals are as curious as a cat!

In other words, cats are one of the most curious animals.

Slide 5:
The picture shows a boy helping his friend look through a hole in the wall.

The sentence reads: He was very curious to know what was behind the wall.

Slide 6:
In the picture we see a man tasting coffee.

The sentence reads: As he tasted the new coffee blend, he had a curious expression on his face.

Slide 7:
CURIOUS means: eager to know or learn something, inquisitive

Synonyms include:

  • questioning
  • inquiring
  • interested
  • probing
  • strange
  • intrusive

Slide 8:
Common Collocations

  • curious look
  • curious sensation
  • curious expression on her/his face
  • made me curious
  • curious to know
  • curious disposition
  • curious viewers

Slide 9:
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Slide 10:
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Look for opportunities today where you can demonstrate your knowledge of the meaning of CURIOUS.

As you are interested in the meaning of CURIOUS, and seeing CURIOUS in a sentence, check this entry in The Illustrated Dictionary:
What is the Definition of FLAGRANT?

Image Credits

Slide 3 – cat
Creative Commons

Slide 4 – boy looking through wall
Royalty Free
Courtesy of kathe

Slide 5 – coffee tasting
Creative Commons

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