Learn How to Pronounce SCHISM – SCHISM in a Sentence

Learn How to Pronounce SCHISM – SCHISM in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce SCHISM correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see SCHISM in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce SCHISM – SCHISM in a Sentence”

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SCHISM – it’s a noun with 1 syllable.

It’s pronounced: SKIZM

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a separation or division into factions, e.g. in a religious body such as the Christian church

Here is an illustrated sentence example in the context of the Christian church.

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The picture shows a map of Europe and surrounding countries divided by a red line.

The sentence reads: In 1054, Christianity was split into two divisions, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, which became known as the Great Schism, or Schism of 1054.

Now let’s see an example of schism in a general context:

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The picture shows an elderly lady sitting beside a young person with a mohican hair style.

The sentence reads: The schism between generations is often called the “generation gap”.

In other words, attitudes, preferences, styles and fashion, often cause a division between the older generation and younger generation, and it’s commonly known as the ‘generation gap’.

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Examples of SCHISM from news items:

One city where a schism appeared between the think tanks and the home-sharing industry was Seattle, which passed an ordinance on short-term rentals last year.
Source: The Verge

The petition has created a schism in the livestock industry between those who support the checkoff and those who don’t.
Source: Seattle Times

The schisms reflect the national divide among Democrats, while Republicans have remained largely united in favor of tough policies aimed at limiting immigration.
Source: New York Times

An issue behind which it should be easy to unite is being played out as a political game, with the schism between ultras and authorities wider than ever.
Source: The Guardian

But the schisms ran deeper than just North against South—there were also cracks within the Union itself, even after the Southern states seceded.
Source: Salon

If you are interested in how to pronounce SCHISM, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
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