Learn How to Pronounce EPITOME – EPITOME in a Sentence

Learn How to Pronounce EPITOME – EPITOME in a Sentence

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EPITOME – it’s a noun with 4 syllables.
Stress the 2nd syllable. It’s pronounced ih◦PIT◦uh◦mee
Let’s look at an example.

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In the picture we see a man ice fishing.

The sentence reads: This ice fisherman is the epitome of patience!

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Image Credit

Slide 3 – ice fisherman
Creative Commons

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If you are interested in learning how to pronounce EPITOME, and seeing EPITOME in a sentence, be sure to check this entry in The Pronunciation Guide:
Learn How to Pronounce BARRAGE – BARRAGE in a Sentence

Here are some news items where the word EPITOME appears:

If Washington was the epitome of the virtuous leader who subordinated personal interest to the public good, Burr was a kind of anti-Washington, who manipulated the public interest for his own inscrutable purposes.
Source: Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

I admit that high refresh rates are the epitome of “nice to have,” but part of the point of Apple’s extravagant Pro phones is to provide the nicest experience.
Source: The Verge

I’m living in Tuscany now, which is the epitome of the merging of a human culture and natural culture, of the both together.
Source: Salon

He is also the face of a news network besieged by a president who has tried to brand CNN, falsely, as the epitome of “fake news,” rallying his conservatives fans against it.
Source: New York Times

“I would say a lot of people join sports because they see it as a way to participate in school, but specifically this team, I think, is the epitome of friendship,” Scott said.
Source: Washington Post