Learn How to Pronounce ACCESSIBLE – ACCESSIBLE in a Sentence

Learn How to Pronounce ACCESSIBLE – ACCESSIBLE in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce ACCESSIBLE correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see ACCESSIBLE in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce ACCESSIBLE – ACCESSIBLE in a Sentence”

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The word ACCESSIBLE is an adjective made up of 4 syllables.

Stress the 2nd syllable. It is pronounced: ak◦SESS◦uh◦bul

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easy to reach, enter, or obtain

The clipart shows a sign that indicates a user of a wheelchair can easily enter the building.

Here is an illustrated sentence example.

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The picture shows the home page of wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia.

Sentence example: Approximately 68 million people visit Wikipedia every day, mainly because information on nearly any subject is so easily accessible.

In other words, the reason why so many people visit wikipedia each day is because the information is so easy to find, reach and obtain.

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Slide 5 – wikipedia
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Examples of ACCESSIBLE from news items:

And new unregulated markets, like decentralized finance, or DeFi, platforms, have popped up in more accessible areas of the internet that also pose investor risks and consumer protection issues.
Source: New York Times

This, despite e-books often being cheaper to manufacture than print books and more accessible.
Source: Salon

But with Apple bringing the Fitness app to the iPhone with iOS 16, no Apple Watch required, it makes sense that Apple would make Fitness Plus more easily accessible as well.
Source: The Verge

“Just improving the landscapes that are there even if people are on the land, and making them more accessible to animals, can increase the connections between protected areas.”
Source: Scientific American

Tour officials also have broadened their scope in recent years to make their product more accessible internationally.
Source: Washington Post

If you are interested in how to pronounce ACCESSIBLE, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce COHERENT – COHERENT in a Sentence