Words With the Suffix ANCE

Words With the Suffix ANCE

This video provides 5 illustrated examples of words with the suffix ANCE. Each example comprises a picture and an associated sentence example.

By seeing a picture and then associating it with a sentence in which a word ending with ANCE is used, a strong mental connection is formed so you will remember the word more easily.

Learning vocabulary by studying prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, is a very easy and enjoyable way to expand your English vocabulary. You learn to associate words together with a common denominator.

Here is a transcript of the video “Words With the Suffix ANCE”

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The suffix ANCE is a very versatile suffix with a variety of meanings related to the quality or state of being:


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Now let’s look at some examples of words with the suffix LING

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Definition: the act of giving help

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His friend needed a little assistance crossing the fast-flowing river.

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Definition: the process of standing against something

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This mother faces strong resistance from her little boy.

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Definition: the quality of being related to something

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Many believe there is even more relevance to the movie “Erin Brockovich” today, than when it was released in the year 2000.

Note: The film tells the true story of Erin Brockovich, portrayed by Julia Roberts, who fought against a large energy corporation because of it’s involvement in groundwater contamination.

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Definition: the state of being joined together

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The Quad Regional Alliance between the United States, Japan, India and Australia, was formed in response to China’s growing economic and military power.

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Definition: the amount granted, often for expenses

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She received a generous allowance from her father all the time she was at university.

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So remember, the suffix ANCE has the general meaning of the quality or state of being. It can refer to:


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If you are interested in words with the suffix ANCE, be sure to check these two entries in The Suffixes guide:
Words With the Suffix OR AR & ER

Words With the Suffix LING – Illustrated Sentence Examples

Image Credits

Slide 5 – helping hand
Creative Commons

Slide 7 – resistance
Creative Commons

Slide 9 – movie poster
Fair Use

Slide 11 – flags
Free clipart

Slide 13 – student
Creative Commons
Photo by NEC Corporation of America

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