How to Pronounce SUIT – SUIT in a Sentence

How to Pronounce SUIT – SUIT in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce SUIT correctly by understanding the syllables.

The word SUIT is made up of 1 syllable. It’s pronounced: SUTE.

Note: SUTE not SWEET (a different word spelled SUITE)

In the picture we see a young woman in a colourful hat.

The sentence reads: Do you think the hat suits her?

Now you know the difference between SUIT and SUITE, look for opportunities to use it in everyday conversation.

Examples of suit from news items:

Its decision to charge zero commissions for customers trading stocks and ETFs pushed the industry’s biggest players to eventually follow suit – and to band together.

Apparently, firefighter Matt Owen of rescue squad 2 was well suited for the task at hand.
Source: Washington Post

Workers and visitors are distanced and masked up; some wear the paper suits that health care workers don.
Source: Washington Times

McCarthy’s was once a hotel and numbers still hang on the rooms upstairs, where Murphy, the fifth generation proprietor, changes into a suit to collect the body.
Source: Reuters

I’ve heard many accounts of the Third that struggled to draw breaths big enough to fill its shape — like a suit of armor, this symphony’s chest remains puffed no matter who’s attempting to wear it.
Source: Washington Post

As you are interested in how to pronounce SUIT, and see SUIT in a sentence, check another word which often causes confusion:
How to Pronounce SILICON – SILICON in a Sentence

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Slide 4 – hat
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