Learn How to Pronounce ESCHEW – ESCHEW in a Sentence

Learn How to Pronounce ESCHEW – ESCHEW in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce ESCHEW correctly by understanding the syllables.

Here is a transcript of the video: Learn How to Pronounce ESCHEW

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ESCHEW – it’s a verb with two syllables, stress the second syllable.

It’s pronounced es-CHOO

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A definition of ESCHEW: to deliberately avoid using something or participating in something. Here’s an example:

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In the picture we see a bride and groom on their wedding day.

The sentence reads: The bride caused some controversy when she eschewed the traditional long wedding gown for a very short white dress.

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Now you know how to say ESCHEW, look for opportunities to use it in everyday conversation.

Here are other examples of the word ESCHEW in various news items:

The Pyramids emphasized theater and costumes as a part of their live shows, eschewing street clothes for colorful face paint, ornate kente cloth and interpretive dance.
Source: New York Times

Plenty of other recipes eschew quick and easy, requiring you to put in the time, effort and/or financial investment through the purchase of special equipment, such as a snow cone maker.
Source: Washington Post

Toyota eschewed warehousing, while choreographing production with suppliers to ensure that parts arrived when needed.
Source: Seattle Times

There’s just something inherently satisfying about building an image of birds using tiny pieces shaped like birds, feathers, and other abstract shapes that a conventional puzzle might eschew.
Source: The Verge

If you are interested in how to pronounce ESCHEW and seeing ESCHEW in a sentence, check this entry in The Pronunciation Guide:
How to Pronounce COMPARABLE

Image Credit

Slide 4 – wedding dress
Creative Commons

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