Learn How to Pronounce SURMISE – SURMISE in a Sentence

Learn How to Pronounce SURMISE – SURMISE in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce SURMISE correctly by understanding the syllables and increase your understanding of this word by seeing SURMISE in a sentence.

Here is a transcript of the video: How to pronounce SURMISE

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SURMISE it’s a verb with two syllables, stress the second syllable.

It’s pronounced sir-MISE

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Definition: to assume something is true without any evidence to support it. The clip art shows a figure thinking. Here’s an illustrated sentence example:

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In the picture we see the cover of the classic American novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

The example reads: You might surmise from the title of this book that it is a manual on how to kill an annoying bird. In actual fact, it’s the story of the trial of an innocent black man in the American south.

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Now you know how to say SURMISE, look for opportunities to use it in everyday conversation.

If you are interested in how to pronounce SURMISE and seeing SURMISE in a sentence, check this entry in The Pronunciation Guide:
Learn How to Pronounce ESCHEW – ESCHEW in a Sentence

Examples of surmise from news items:

McCarthy’s essays are richly varied, and one surmises the abundant intersections of art and race were in large measure informed by his own experiences growing up Black in America and in France.
Source: New York Times

On the basis of those two texts, one might surmise that Roth was yet another Jewish liberal, doing his small part to extend the hand of friendship to another oppressed minority.
Source: Salon

Borrowing a leaf from economists — yes, the authors salute economics for wonderful achievements — Morson and Schapiro surmise that the humanities’ product is faulty.
Source: Washington Post

The results of this statistical analysis show that, contrary to what Welles surmised, all of the animals are so similar that they must represent not only one genus but one species.
Source: Scientific American


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