Learn How to Pronounce AMBIGUOUS – AMBIGUOUS in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce AMBIGUOUS correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see AMBIGUOUS in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce AMBIGUOUS – AMBIGUOUS in a Sentence”

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The word AMBIGUOUS is an adjective. It consists of 4 syllables.

Stress the 2nd syllable.

It’s pronounced am◦BIG◦you◦us

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having more than one possible meaning or interpretation, not clear

The clipart shows an optical illusion which can be viewed in two ways.

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In the illustrated sentence example we see a sign at a Barber Shop with a price list that says: Haircuts $15.00 – Pensioners $13.00.

Sentence example: This ambiguous sign seems to suggest you can buy a pensioner for $13!

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Slide 5 – barber sign
Creative Commons

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Examples of AMBIGUOUS from news items:

And when people are unsure about a speaker’s gender—as when experimenters manipulate audio recordings to produce gender ambiguous or intermediate voices—listeners show distinct brain activity as well.
Source: Scientific American

A number of appeals were rejected as too long or complicated, among them “If you see a package without a person, don’t keep it to yourself” — which was, at the very least, ambiguous.
Source: New York Times

While some of these are for folks who have dietary restrictions and distinct health needs, others are simply marketed to the masses under the ambiguous guise of “health,” when they’re often really talking about thinness.
Source: Salon

Commissioner Rob Manfred could undo the agreement under the “best interests of baseball” clause, an ambiguous yet broad power outlined in the MLB constitution.
Source: Washington Post

It also included ambiguous new language about “low emissions energy” – which experts here say could open the door to some fossil fuels being considered part of a green energy future.
Source: BBC

If you are interested in how to pronounce AMBIGUOUS, and see AMBIGUOUS in a sentence, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce PERIPHERAL – PERIPHERAL in a Sentence