Learn How to Pronounce BIZARRE – BIZARRE in a Sentence

Learn how to pronounce BIZARRE correctly by understanding the syllables. Then see BIZARRE in a sentence along with an illustration as a memory aid.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Learn How to Pronounce BIZARRE – BIZARRE in a Sentence”

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The word BIZARRE is an adjective. It has 2 syllables.

Stress the 2nd syllable.

It’s pronounced biz◦ARE

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very strange or unusual, unconventional

The clipart shows a strange creature, unidentifiable.

Let’s look at an illustrated sentence example.

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In the picture we see famous rock artist David Bowie. He’s wearing a costume designed by Japanese designer Yamamoto.

The sentence reads: David Bowie was known for his bizarre fashion.

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Slide 5 – barber sign
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Examples of BIZARRE from news items:

In the opening chapters, a white author steals a manuscript from the home of a Chinese American novelist who has died in a bizarre accident, and plots to pass it off as her own.
Source: New York Times

“Basically, if you bought the vinyl and was excited to listen to Speak Now, you will now be confronted by some of the most bizarre and brilliant music ever made… Good luck!!!!”
Source: BBC

Despite the office being “one of the most bizarre places I have ever worked,” the reader is sticking with it for now and leaning heavily on the mantra, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
Source: Washington Post

“Right now, I’m kind of in shock. I can’t believe this happened. It’s bizarre. I’m still processing it at the moment,” Williams said at her news conference, more than an hour after the match ended.
Source: Washington Times

This bizarre logic doesn’t only lack scientific rigor: It has real-world implications for how the DEA operates and who it operates against.
Source: Salon

If you are interested in how to pronounce BIZARRE, and seeing BIZARRE in a sentence, be sure to check other words in The Punctuation Guide such as:
Learn How to Pronounce AMBIGUOUS – AMBIGUOUS in a Sentence