Definite Indefinite ARTICLES in English

Definite Indefinite ARTICLES in English

Enroll in the course: How to Master DEFINITE INDEFINITE Articles:

Many English students often admit that definite indefinite articles in English are very confusing at first. Just when do you use a, an, or the, or when don’t you use them at all?

While it may be a challenge to get it right 100% of the time, it is possible to master the use of definite and indefinite articles MOST of the time, bringing you close to the level of a native speaker.

How can this be accomplished? By examining a few simple rules and then PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

In this video, examples of definite indefinite articles in English are given. There are some general rules but also many exceptions. This video provides just one articles example from my comprehensive course.

Here is a transcript of the video: “Definite Indefinite ARTICLES In English”

Slide 2
Before looking at a rule for using definite indefinite articles in English, here is a quick reminder:

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Slide 3
Look at these two sentences:

First, The baby sat on the bed, looking out the window.

Slide 4
Next, the sentence reads: She normally goes to bed at around midnight.

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Question: Why do we say “sat on the bed” and “goes to bed”, one with the definite article and one without?

Because of a rule about: Nouns Relating To An Activity

In example 1: “The baby sat on the bed”, the noun ‘bed’ simply refers to an object and ‘the’ is used.

In example 2: “She normally goes to bed”, the noun is related to an activity – going to bed – so ‘the’ is not used.

Slide 6:
This is just one example from my course on Udemy called: “Learn How to MASTER Definite | Indefinite Articles (in 7 days!)”

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Image Credits

Slides 1, 4 – baby
Creative Commons

Slide 5 – woman sleeping
Creative Commons

Regarding the use of illustrations and photographs used in this video:

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Others are allowed to copy, distribute, display, and perform copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it if they give credit to the creator or source.

If you are interested in the English articles system, check this page also:
Definite and Indefinite ARTICLES Examples

Here is another example of articles causing confusion:
Definite and Indefinite ARTICLES Examples